Required Tools:
1. Create file called cue2chd.bat
2. Paste the code block below into the file cue2chd.bat
3. Update "chdman" variable to point to the file called "chdman.exe" (mame installation directory).
4. cue2chd.bat requires a folder called "cue" with all your images located within (or override src_path to where you store your images).
5. Executing cue2chd.bat will create a output path called "chd" to store the converted images within it.
6. Good Luck!!!
Code: Select all
@ECHO off
ECHO "##########################################################################"
ECHO "## Simple utility for batch conversions of CUE to CHD Images. ##"
ECHO "## ##"
ECHO "## Requires: Mame ( ##"
ECHO "## ##"
ECHO "## Directory Structure: ##"
ECHO "## /cue2chd.bat <-- This file ##"
ECHO "## /cue/ <-- Source Directory ##"
ECHO "## /cue/file.cue ##"
ECHO "## /cue/file.bin ##"
ECHO "## /chd/ <-- Target Directory ##"
ECHO "## /chd/file.chd ##"
ECHO "## ##"
ECHO "## This batch file is Public Domain do as you will. ##"
ECHO "##########################################################################"
REM Variables
SET chdman="C:\PATH_TO_MAME_EXECUTABLES\chdman.exe"
SET src_path="%CD%\cue"
SET dst_path="%CD%\chd"
REM Execution
IF NOT EXIST %dst_path% (
MKDIR %dst_path%
FOR /R "%src_path%\" %%i IN ("*.cue") do (
ECHO "%%i"
MKDIR "%dst_path%\%%~ni"
%chdman% createcd -i "%%i" -o "%dst_path%\%%~ni\%%~ni.chd"