I've done the following,
- Added headers to the I/O board so that JP2 of the DE-10 Nano (TX, RX, GND) pass through to the USB user port on the I/O board
- Constructed a USB cable to attach the TX, RX and GND lines to an FTDI board
- Checked the continuity of the wiring from the IO15, IO14 and GND to the FTDI board
- Connected to the COM port using TeraTerm (and other serial terminals) at 19200 baud 8N1 with no flow control
- Set the Altair ON switch in the UI
- Set the STOP switch
- Set Basic4k32 as the program to load
- Toggled RESET switch in the UI
- Set RUN switch
The readme says "Comumicates with serial port requires SENSE swithes to be set to 0xFD" but I think that is left over from a different FPGA board?
- Is there anything else I need to do to get serial working through the I/O board on the DE-10 Nano?
- Do I need different serial settings? I'm using 8N1 and no flow control.