I'm new to SNAC, but I'm pretty sure I get how it works.
I have 2 MiSTer setups.
One has IO Board 6.1, and the other has an IO board from china that has the Sega Saturn 10 pin DIN for output.
I have the following SNAC adapters
The Atari and Genesis SNAC adapters were purchased from misterfpga.co.uk. The others were obtained from ebay.
The Sega Saturn IO board works perfectly with all the SNAC adapters.
The IO Board 6.1 is only partially working with the Atari and Genesis adapters.
I have the IO Board 6.1 configured as shown here: https://misterfpga.co.uk/sega-genesis-c ... nac-setup/
Here is a summary of my issues with the Atari and Genesis adapters:
Core: Genesis
w/ Standard Sega Genesis 6 button controller - Start and Button C do not work
Button C does not work in 3 button or 6 button mode.
Core: SMS - Button 2 does not work
Core: Atari 7800 - Button does not work
It seems odd to me that it partially works.
Please let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.