Is it a new MT32-Pi? Could you have a faulty hat?
I assume you've set the OLED in the config.txt:
Code: Select all
# Select LCD driver.
# Note that LCDs connected via I2C, you must also set the correct address for
# your device via the i2c_lcd_address option. Consult its datasheet, or see
# our documentation for tested models and their configurations.
# Values: none*, hd44780_4bit, hd44780_i2c, sh1106_i2c, ssd1306_i2c
# none: No LCD
# hd44780_4bit: Hitachi HD44780 or compatible (e.g. WS0010, RS0010) character
# LCD connected to GPIO pins in 4-bit mode (see documentation for
# pinout)
# hd44780_i2c: As above, but using an I2C "backpack"
# sh1106_i2c: Small I2C-based OLED graphical display (usually 1.3")
# ssd1306_i2c: Small I2C-based OLED graphical display (usually 0.96")
type = ssd1306_i2c
# Set the width of the LCD.
# If the display is a character display, this value is measured in characters.
# Otherwise, for a graphical display, this is measured in pixels.
# Note that not all dimension settings are valid; see documentation for valid
# configurations for each LCD driver.
# Values: 20-128 (128*)
width = 128
# Set the height of the LCD.
# Same characters vs. pixels considerations as for width.
# Values: 2-64 (32*)
height = 64
# Set address (hexadecimal) of I2C LCD.
# This will be used to communicate with LCDs connected via the I2C bus.
# Values: 00-80 (3c*)
i2c_lcd_address = 3c
# Rotate the display output (graphical LCDs only).
# Some graphical displays support rotation. Use this option if you need to turn
# the display around.
# Values: normal*, inverted
# normal: No rotation
# inverted: The display output is upside down
rotation = normal