Where to get the new shadow mask filter?

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Re: Where to get the new shadow mask filter?

Unread post by FoxbatStargazer »

Now this is more like it. Maybe we can get some more subtle masks now.
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Re: Where to get the new shadow mask filter?

Unread post by Asteld »

For now you can find more on github.

Sorgelig has provided a VGA example, as you can see below. You can add this as Shadow Mask and it should work with the latest version of Mister. On my 1440p output the filter basically looks like a more well defined VGA.txt filter. It certainly seems an improvement, but I'm mostly curious for the benefits of the expanded 16x16 grid.

VGA v2.txt:

Code: Select all

# format:
# v2 line must be present for version 2 mask
# every item in mask is CXY where:
#  C - color 0..7 (bits: 001 - blue, 010 - green, 100 - red)
#  X - intensity for "on" 0..F (100%-193.75%, 6.25% steps)
#  Y - intensity for "off" 0..F (0%-93.75%, 6.25% steps)


# w,h: max is 16,16

# lut

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Re: Where to get the new shadow mask filter?

Unread post by tonurics »

Asteld wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 5:45 pm For now you can find more on github.
Hello Asteld,

As I'm a lurker on the forums with no posts [and can't send private messages yet], you haven't enabled issues on your Shadow Mask GitHub fork, and you don't appear to be on Discord with the rest of us. So I'm leaving a personal messaging for you here. :lol:

We have started the process of cleaning up and reorganizing the Shadow Masks folder for wider release. Going forward:

Creators will not have their own mask folders. For attribution: we are asking everyone to make use of comments within their mask files. The GUI Shadow Mask Editor provides a set of meta fields and comment formatting; you are free to do something else, but the majority [if not all] the other creators are using the meta format of the Editor.

The Shadow Masks folder will contain four folders along with ten or so generic suggestions for users [we've already decided on most of those]. The folders are "CRT", "LCD", "LED", and "Other" depending on the intent of the mask. I'm thinking that your masks likely fall within the scopes of "CRT" or "Other" but will I leave that for you to suggest where they will go. [This is listed as the "Type" meta field on the Editor.]

The other thing I've been asking people to do is to create versions of their masks [the ones that use colour] in additional sub-pixel layouts when possible; with the BGR layout being the minimum. To give examples using your masks: Monochrome.txt doesn't have colour [so nothing to do], a new layout for Magenta-Green.txt probably doesn't make sense [but you could make a new "Red Yellow" version; I would probably also suggest the name "MGK (Magenta Green).txt"], and lastly VGA.txt would be one where you can create a new layout for. [This is listed a the "Layout" meta field on the Editor, which will also append the Layout to the end of the file name in brackets. The Editor also provides a Transformation option to convert from RGB to the other layouts, i.e. RGB <-> BGR.]

Hopefully, the above all sorta makes sense. But take a quick look at my repo for examples. Of course, reach out to me if you have any questions [you can private message me or reply here] or better yet join us in the #settings-workshop channel on the official MiSTer Discord, where all the other creators hang out.
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Re: Where to get the new shadow mask filter?

Unread post by tonurics »

Oh, I forgot to mention: if you have masks based on existing hardware or technology. Adding the date of the original hardware release to your file or folder names is a nice touch. It gives users an added historical context; if they are trying to find something within a certain era.
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Re: Where to get the new shadow mask filter?

Unread post by SpotAnime »

It would be helpful to also organize files based on the different Video Processor menu selections: Horizontal Filter, Vertical Filter, Scan Filter, Gamma Correction and Shadow Mask. As all the files are selectable across all the selections, it gets a little confusing as to which files I should be using for each. Going by Trash Uncle's latest video (which is helpful, BTW), I still don't fully understand when I should be selecting a scanline file for a Vertical Filter vs a Scan Filter.
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Re: Where to get the new shadow mask filter?

Unread post by Sigismond0 »

SpotAnime wrote: Sat Jan 15, 2022 12:16 pm It would be helpful to also organize files based on the different Video Processor menu selections: Horizontal Filter, Vertical Filter, Scan Filter, Gamma Correction and Shadow Mask. As all the files are selectable across all the selections, it gets a little confusing as to which files I should be using for each. Going by Trash Uncle's latest video (which is helpful, BTW), I still don't fully understand when I should be selecting a scanline file for a Vertical Filter vs a Scan Filter.
If you're using the scan doubler function, use scan. Otherwise always use vertical. At least that was my takeaway.
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