Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by xblade »

Hi everyone.
I don't know how far atrac17, Darren_O and blk_yn is now with other cores and when they plan to make the truxton core.
As it was my favourite arcade game back in the days, I have tried to resurrect it using Darren_O code, but for now it's stuck after ram rom sound check.
stuck after ram rom sound check
stuck after ram rom sound check
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It will also need to rotate the screen 270', correct dip switch settings and for sure other things I have overlooked.

I have to admit my knowlege of the fpga languages is very poor.
My only effort was just adjusting memory mapping using information from mame's toaplan1.cpp driver.

I would love to see this game to be available to me and others as soon as possible :twisted:.
I would like to participate on development. ​I will soon begin to learn more about the mister fpga development.
In the meanwhile, please look at my repository, the code and send me pull request, if you can spot the problem.

Public repo at github

Many thanks to Darren_O for bringing toaplan1 to the MiSTer platform.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by metal_slugger »

jca wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:03 pm The zip has to be named but if the zip you have has another name it may not be the good one. Try to rename it and see what happens.
The ziprom needs to be called and all the components exactly referred-to in the zerowing.mra file (read it with a text editor) need to be present in the root of the zip file.

One advantage of using the mra.exe tool to create a "*.rom" file first (a process which was only required for the day 1 release) was that it told you if any of components were missing inside the ziprom and what they are called, helping you to understand what's actually happening.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by Shuffle7 »

I still can’t get this to work . I get the core menu up when i press F12. I have found a rom zerowing1. Renamed it to .zip, placed in mame folder . Rbf and mra places in usual places.. still nothing. Work constraints meant I keep trying when I get 2 mins . Will have a proper go later
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by jca »

I only said to try by renaming the zip to because I did not know how the user got his but I did not expect it to work.
When I used the mra tool I had to try 3 different before finding the good one.
I just went back to github to see if there was some updates and there are:
The release folder contains Out Zone (Zero Wing TP-015 PCB conversion).mra and Zero Wing (2P set).mra plus an alternatives folder containing Zero Wing (1P set).mra and Zero Wing (2P set, Williams license).mra.
Now the various zero wing mras reference, not and out zone references
I used the mame getter to get these 2 zips but nothing is working. Only the original zerowing.mra along with works.
On github the original mra along with the mra tool are in the rom folder.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Nice one thanks jca - will look at GitHub. Be good to get this running
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by xblade »

The rbf at the Darreon_O's github in the release folder is not current right now. It looks like it is 3 days old.
I had to build one myself to get outzone running.

You can wait for the team to release new rbf, or you can build one by yourself.

There is no need to have quartus installed. I can confirm docker version I'm using can do the job.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by metal_slugger »

Something I noticed was that the mra file states MAME version "0220", so possibly you also need to confirm that the ziprom you are trying is for MAME version 0.220 or later
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by jca »

Thanks. Yes, I noticed that the rbf was 3 days old but I was more inclined to blame the zip files.
I have Quartus Prime Lite 17.0.2 installed so I compiled the core but no luck, I get the same problems I have with the old core.
I noticed 2 things:
1. After opening the project Quartus says that I should update some IPs which happens frequently when I compile various cores. I suppose it is because of the Quartus version, may be they have been compiled with 17.0, not 17.0.2. When this happens I do not update: this happened way back with the latest version of Multicomp before the new rbf was published, I did update the IPs and the core was funky, not updating gave a good rbf.
2. The rbf in the release folder is 3,454KB and the rbf I compiled is 3,097KB.
With both cores I get the same result:
With the zero wing mras I get a white screen filled with vertical bars (may be !) and nothing is moving.
With outzone I get a lime screen which changes to a different lime color and a little square with the original lime color, after that the screen goes black with the little lime square in a different position. The screen then cycles thru these 2 displays. It may be due to the zips downloaded by mame getter but for the time being I leave it like that as it is a work in progress and I don't intend to pull my hair (I have not much left).
So for the time being it will be the original zerowing.mra and for me.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by xblade »

jca wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:59 pm 1. After opening the project Quartus says that I should update some IPs which happens frequently when I compile various cores. I suppose it is because of the Quartus version, may be they have been compiled with 17.0, not 17.0.2. When this happens I do not update: this happened way back with the latest version of Multicomp before the new rbf was published, I did update the IPs and the core was funky, not updating gave a good rbf.
2. The rbf in the release folder is 3,454KB and the rbf I compiled is 3,097KB.
With both cores I get the same result:
With the zero wing mras I get a white screen filled with vertical bars (may be !) and nothing is moving.
With outzone I get a lime screen which changes to a different lime color and a little square with the original lime color, after that the screen goes black with the little lime square in a different position. The screen then cycles thru these 2 displays. It may be due to the zips downloaded by mame getter but for the time being I leave it like that as it is a work in progress and I don't intend to pull my hair (I have not much left).
So for the time being it will be the original zerowing.mra and for me.
I have installed Quartus 20.1.1 on my ubuntu, but I'm not using it for the building, because I want to avoid possible side effects.
I'm using the docker image located at version 17.0
I think using quartus 17.0.2 and ignoring IP updates should build rbf properly.

My rbf size is 3 179 588 B. I suspect every build is unique, because of the included build_id.v, so we cannot count on md5sum and should not on size too.

I had the same problem with stripes and lime background. I just forgot to update the rbf file to new a one. The old rbf is not working with new mra files.
They have changed the offsets i think.

First make sure, you have build the new rbf with up to date git repo ( git pull origin main ).
Also check you have the right zerowing.rbf at /media/fat/_Arcade/cores.
MRA tag <rbf> points to the correct .rbf file, so make sure, you don't have any other versions installed by side.
To be sure, you can remove outzone and zerowing zips from /media/fat/games/mame folder and run download_all and the mame downloader should download proper roms from

mra goes to /media/fat/_Arcade
rbf goes to /media/fat/_Arcade/cores
zip goes to /media/fat/games/mame

Take a look at screen shot. Do your rbf make same main menu results ?
You should see only Video Settings, DIP Switches and Reset
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by jca »

Thanks for all this info and the time you spent for this detailed post.
Alas, so far it did not help (not your fault, mind you).
When I made my post I initially had the latest rbf from the release folder, the original zerowing.mra in _Arcade and in games/mame.
After downloading the latest mras and putting them in the right places I tried them right away and got a black screen without seeing the progress bar of the rom loading. So I opened the various mras and saw that I needed (no more and I used directly the mame getter script which installed these 2 zip. At this point I got the stripes and lime screen. I made my post to see if someone had the same problem.
After your first post I built the core, renamed my previous rbf to zerowing_ok.rbf and installed the newly built rbf but got the same results. Now I knew it can be the core (due to these IPs updates) or the zips (which I did not believe as mame getter has served me very well all these years).
After your above post it can only be the rbf.
For the size of the rbf I knew that you cannot get the exact same size but usually the difference is in bytes, not 400KB like between the release core and the core I built.
Your core is 3,179,588 bytes, the one I built is 3,171,004 which is more like it (I think the main difference is due to the IPs not updated).
So now I have to figure out how to build a working core.
Your info regarding docker seems to be a good solution but I am a Windows user both at work and at home (for software available only on Windows). I recently installed Zorin OS in a virtual machine, it is based on Ubuntu so it should work but I don't know much about docker and never used these containers so I would have to learn how to proceed.
But this thing about IPs having to be updated bothers me and have for some time as it happened before on some MISTer cores.
Trying to figure it out I created an empty project and this is the contents of the qpf file:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Quartus Prime
# Version 17.0.2 Build 602 07/19/2017 SJ Lite Edition
# Date created = 11:51:06 January 28, 2022
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

DATE = "11:51:06 January 28, 2022"

I compared it to the qpf from github and first noticed the core had been built under Linux (I prepared my post in notepad and when I pasted it it was all messed up so I opened it in notepad++ and noticed that EOL was Unix style, not Windows style).

Here is the qpf from github:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Quartus Prime
# Version 17.0.0 Build 595 04/25/2017 SJ Lite Edition
# Date created = 11:18:26 April 18, 2021
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

DATE = "11:18:26 April 18, 2021"

The different Build versions are certainly due to the fact that one is the Windows version and the other is the Linux version but there is this strange difference:
Quartus Prime Version 17.0.2
Quartus Prime Version 17.0.0

I don't know what to think about that.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by pgimeno »

jca wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:43 pm After your first post I built the core, renamed my previous rbf to zerowing_ok.rbf and installed the newly built rbf but got the same results.
In my experience, renaming does not help; you have to actually move it out of that folder.
jca wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:43 pm For the size of the rbf I knew that you cannot get the exact same size but usually the difference is in bytes, not 400KB like between the release core and the core I built.
I've seen these kinds of differences between compilations.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by Flandango »

The project code, as it stands at this moment, is utilizing Q13 for two IPs. To fix this on your end so you don't get the warnings, edit zerowing.qsf (make sure you don't have Quartus up with this project) and adjust these two lines from 13 to 17:

Code: Select all

set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/pll.13.qip
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/pll_audio.13.qip
to look like:

Code: Select all

set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/pll.17.qip
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE sys/pll_audio.17.qip
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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pgimeno wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:41 am
jca wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:43 pm After your first post I built the core, renamed my previous rbf to zerowing_ok.rbf and installed the newly built rbf but got the same results.
In my experience, renaming does not help; you have to actually move it out of that folder.
:?: the mra refers to zerowing.rbf, not zerowing_ok.rbf.
In any case I followed your suggestion and guess what ... it works :shock:
It does not make sense but your suggestion is correct. What is going on with MISTer?
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Thanks, I feel much relieved as it did not make sense that the core built under Linux worked and the core built under Windows did not work when using the same version of Quartus on both systems. It happens that the Windows core was working but I had renamed the old core instead of moving it out the way. I guess the core was initially developed for a different cyclone which required Q13 and upgrading the IP is not just simply using a new IP but may require modification to the HDL. I think it is what happened when I had this upgrade warning when I tried to compile the Multicomp core: I first changed the IP which was a PLL and the resulting core was funky. When I reverted to the original HDL and ignored the warning the core was OK.
I think it is better to ignore the warning and if the core compiles without error it should be OK.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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jca wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:54 am
pgimeno wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:41 am
jca wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:43 pm After your first post I built the core, renamed my previous rbf to zerowing_ok.rbf and installed the newly built rbf but got the same results.
In my experience, renaming does not help; you have to actually move it out of that folder.
:?: the mra refers to zerowing.rbf, not zerowing_ok.rbf.
In any case I followed your suggestion and guess what ... it works :shock:
It does not make sense but your suggestion is correct. What is going on with MISTer?
The code that tries to find the rbf file based on the MRA's reference would look for anything that matches "zerowing." or "zerowing_" and use the first one it finds.

It does this so it can find both zerowing.rbf and zerowing_20220128.rbf etc
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Thanks. If I had renamed the old core zerowing-ok or zerowingok it would have worked and I wouldn't have learned this crucial detail. Good to know for next time.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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jca wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:54 am :?: the mra refers to zerowing.rbf, not zerowing_ok.rbf.
In any case I followed your suggestion and guess what ... it works :shock:
It does not make sense but your suggestion is correct. What is going on with MISTer?
I was under the impression that it somehow(?) scans all files for the internal core name, rather than the file name. And quite often (Murphy's law at play?) it chooses the wrong core.

According to what was said above, however, it's still filename-based, which surprises me somewhat because it also picked the right RBF when I used Arcade-xxxx_date.rbf - I haven't checked the code though, maybe it explicitly removes the Arcade- prefix.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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pgimeno wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:17 pm
jca wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:54 am :?: the mra refers to zerowing.rbf, not zerowing_ok.rbf.
In any case I followed your suggestion and guess what ... it works :shock:
It does not make sense but your suggestion is correct. What is going on with MISTer?
I was under the impression that it somehow(?) scans all files for the internal core name, rather than the file name. And quite often (Murphy's law at play?) it chooses the wrong core.

According to what was said above, however, it's still filename-based, which surprises me somewhat because it also picked the right RBF when I used Arcade-xxxx_date.rbf - I haven't checked the code though, maybe it explicitly removes the Arcade- prefix.
The first thing it tries is to match Arcade-zerowing. or Arcade-zerowing_
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by lamarax »

For those who're itchy to play "Zero Wing" (not "Out Zone" yet I'm afraid), and still haven't been able to make it run, try this:
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Just dump the .mra's directly under _Arcade and the .rbf inside _Arcade/cores. It's a couple of iterations behind, but it's working :)
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by AmanoJacu »

I was trying to manually install the Zero Wing core from github, I had some trouble with the rom, then I realized the update_all now donwloads it, so I ran it, and get it all working (got the file from somewhere else and put it in the mame folder). However, the start button wouldn't work, it would act as coin, no matter how I set controls up.

So I decided to delete the .rbf and .mra files, and run the update_all again. However, they wouldn't download, I guess it didn't work as I expected (after deletion, I thought it would notice they weren't there and re-download), so I got them from github again. The game works, but as before, no way to start the game, the start button is just the same as coin.

Any help? Thanks!
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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lamarax wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:12 pm (not "Out Zone" yet I'm afraid)
For Outzone, I just renamed a few things. It's far from perfect but at least you can give the game a go.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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What is everyone talking about?
You have to forget about the initial release. Delete from your MISTer zerowing.rbf, zerowing.mra, and the zerowing.rom if it is what you used.
Download the new mras from github, there are 4: 2 for the _Arcade folder with one being for OutZone and 2 for alternatives. Running mame getter or update all with mame getter enabled to get the 2 zips. The core in the release folder is not the right one, it is an older one, so you have to build it yourself.
I do not see any problem with the coin and start buttons. I am not a real gamer and usually die within a few seconds so I cannot tell how well it runs but it runs.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Here is the rbf I built. Do not keep any zerowing style core from previous test or you will have some surprises, see previous posts. I took me a day to have my "non working" core work :lol: thanks to all who helped figure it out.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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jca wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:03 pm Here is the rbf I built. Do not keep any zerowing style core from previous test or you will have some surprises, see previous posts. I took me a day to have my "non working" core work :lol: thanks to all who helped figure it out.
OK, I was using the rbf in the github /releases folder, which is from 5 days ago and as you said, is outdated; and the mra in the dev/rom, which called for the rom zerowing1.

After reading your posts, I downloaded your rbf, changed the mra to the "Zero Wing (2P set)" in /releases, changed the rom to; and now it all works, including the start button, so thanks!
Skeeter wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:58 pm For Outzone, I just renamed a few things. It's far from perfect but at least you can give the game a go.
I downloaded it and managed to make it work OK, including all buttons, so I could play, thanks!
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Guys, before posting just read this thread, everything is there and for OutZone you can run it with the core I provided. May be the OutZone provided earlier is better but it is hard to know as Skeeter did not provide much information.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by xblade »

Great Scott! They did it.

Truxton and Hellfire are runnable.
Keep in mind, it is too early for release yet.

If you want to try, pull the latest git changes and build your own rbf.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by Skeeter »

Whoa...Truxton already. I had to try this.

Graphical glitches aside, seeing Tatsujin running now is amazing. Hellfire seems pretty solid, loving this core.

Now I can retire the Outzone rbf. :lol:
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Congrats for all the great work! If you attach the RBF (and the MRA, or at least say which one from the github to use) of any of these games like Truxton and Hellfire, I'll give them a try.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

Unread post by xblade »

Here you go.

It is rba I am using now.

The mra files are located at dev/mra path from root of your zerowing github clone folder.

Do not forget to pull to the latest.
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Re: Zero Wing by Toaplan Arcade Core Released

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Maybe someday Dash Yarou will be playable! Fingers crossed
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