ItalianGrandma's awesome OBS overlay project and TTY2OLED has me wondering if anyone would like to work with me on creating a pi or arduino based add-on to drive an LCD or eInk display for cover art, button layout, etc?
I originally wanted to do something like this in RetroPie for the 4 player arcade console I have in my classroom, but I would like to move over to MiSTer for it.
The problem is, it's 4 players in an arcade layout and users can't intuit the layout per console. I want to embed a color Inky Impression or LCD display to display a controller layout based on what game/console is running.
For example,
Anyone interested?
Project idea
Re: Project idea
None I'm aware of, but that would also be a cost I'm not willing to take on.
I'm imaging something more akin to the old layout diagrams on NeoGeo cabs.
Re: Project idea
Depending on what files a user put in the device's games/consoles folders you could stick to just logos like TTYOLED, boxart, controller layout, videos, or anything else the Pi can run. And the resolution would be scalable!
Re: Project idea
I recently rewrote the MisterOBS app that ItalianGrandma uses for some of the scene and text changing. The new app lets you have other "subscribers" that can trigger actions based on the events from MiSter. One of them is a webpage that runs locally that shows game details. it's really geared towards showing year,description,name and some boxart bu could be updated to add button layouts instead. My html isn't that great so it's more of a proof of concept but could work for what you want. There is also a custom script subscriber that lets you run a custom python script on an event that you could use to start an image viewer on a pi in fullscreen with the image you want on a core change event. Check out the link below for some details.