A New Apple II Game Collection

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A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by akeley »

Some months ago I half-jokingly said I'll make one, despite Apple II not being my real area of interest (at least at the time), and having some other priorities (sorry, TRS-80) but ended up having a little try, and then getting sucked right into it. Videogame archaeology can be extremely addictive, especially in regard to the very roots of videogaming genres which interest me the most.

The result has just been released here: https://archive.org/details/apple-ii-pl ... tion-v-0.1

V0.1 means it's still very much unfinished WIP, but I think the the main target has been achieved. The result is a rather comprehensive 1G1Zip collection, organised by release year. The main remaining task will be to sift through the compilation disks looking for missing individual games, and also sorting out the Educational part (I kept it separate). That won't happen anytime soon, as I need a break from AII, but here's hoping some folks will volunteer to help with at least some bits and pieces, thus speeding up the process.

Half by accident and half on purpose, it is actually best perused on MiSTer. That's because we can open and mount multiple files from within zips easily. I also gave priority to MiSTer core's-friendly formats (dsk/nib/po/do). There are still some games which are only available as .woz/wav/2mg/a2r but hopefully they can be converted in later releases (for now you can easily filter them out using tags).

There is a detailed description on the archive.org's page. Any comments, and help debugging this early release would be most welcome.

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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by FPGA64 »

Thanks for curating this. Its a useful resource
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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by Newsdee »

I've made a list of suggested Apple II games a while back - probably all are in your archive already:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K0s ... GIVevmSDs/
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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by valerino »

may i suggest to not zip games individually ? that way you can use the big 4gb zip on the mister untouched.
either, you are forced to extract it (and btw, linux ext4 chokes on some filenames, says they're too long).
anyway, good work !!!!

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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by valerino »

for completeness, those are the files which cant be extracted on mister's linux:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FileZilla3 version="3.58.0" platform="windows">
<Pass encoding="base64">MQ==</Pass>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1978\Animals (1978)(Apple)[req Integer BASIC] &amp; Tranquility Base (1984)(Peachtree Software) &amp; Apple Invader (19xx)(-) &amp; Dart Room (1980)(Programma Software) &amp; Clowns &amp; Balloons (1979)(Programma Software).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Animals (1978)(Apple)[req Integer BASIC] &amp; Tranquility Base (1984)(Peachtree Software) &amp; Apple Invader (19xx)(-) &amp; Dart Room (1980)(Programma Software) &amp; Clowns &amp; Balloons (1979)(Programma Software).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1978</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1979\Clowns &amp; Balloons (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Tranquility Base (1984)(Peachtree Software) &amp; Apple Invader (19xx)(-) &amp; Dart Room (1980)(Programma Software) &amp; Animals (1978)(Apple)[req Integer BASIC].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Clowns &amp; Balloons (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Tranquility Base (1984)(Peachtree Software) &amp; Apple Invader (19xx)(-) &amp; Dart Room (1980)(Programma Software) &amp; Animals (1978)(Apple)[req Integer BASIC].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1979</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1980\Texttrain (1980)(Beagle Bros.)(US) &amp; Orbitron (1981)(Sirius Software) &amp; &amp; Monopoly (19xx)(-) &amp; Planet Miners (1980)(Avalon Hill) &amp; Asteroid Field, The (1980)(Cavalier Computer)[cr The Software Pirate][A &amp; I BASIC].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Texttrain (1980)(Beagle Bros.)(US) &amp; Orbitron (1981)(Sirius Software) &amp; &amp; Monopoly (19xx)(-) &amp; Planet Miners (1980)(Avalon Hill) &amp; Asteroid Field, The (1980)(Cavalier Computer)[cr The Software Pirate][A &amp; I BASIC].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1980</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1981\Hi-Res Soccer (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Hi-Res Football (1980)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Computer Foosball (1981)(Sirius Software)[cr Mr. Xerox] &amp; &amp; Baseball (1979)(Programma International).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Hi-Res Soccer (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Hi-Res Football (1980)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Computer Foosball (1981)(Sirius Software)[cr Mr. Xerox] &amp; &amp; Baseball (1979)(Programma International).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1981</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1981\Lasar Wars (aka Laser Wars)(1981)(Crystal Computer)(US) &amp; Lazer-Blaster (1981-07-06)(MicroSPARC) &amp; Flockland Island Crisis, The (1982)(Vital Information)(II+)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K] &amp; Telengard (1982)(Avalon Hill).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Lasar Wars (aka Laser Wars)(1981)(Crystal Computer)(US) &amp; Lazer-Blaster (1981-07-06)(MicroSPARC) &amp; Flockland Island Crisis, The (1982)(Vital Information)(II+)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K] &amp; Telengard (1982)(Avalon Hill).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1981</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1981\Night Crawler (1981)(Softape)[req manual load] &amp; Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag][48K] &amp; Spy Hunter (1983)(Bally Midway)[t +1][48K] &amp; Syzygy (1983)(Hobbs, Ed).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Night Crawler (1981)(Softape)[req manual load] &amp; Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag][48K] &amp; Spy Hunter (1983)(Bally Midway)[t +1][48K] &amp; Syzygy (1983)(Hobbs, Ed).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1981</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1981\Planet Protector (1981)(-)[cr] &amp; ABM (1980)(MUSE Software) &amp; Invasion Force (19xx)(Lurie, Gordon) &amp; Missile Defense (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Norad (19xx)(-) &amp; Rocket Command (1980)(Bozo NYC).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Planet Protector (1981)(-)[cr] &amp; ABM (1980)(MUSE Software) &amp; Invasion Force (19xx)(Lurie, Gordon) &amp; Missile Defense (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Norad (19xx)(-) &amp; Rocket Command (1980)(Bozo NYC).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1981</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1981\Robot Tank (1981)(Amber Software)[cr Disk Wizard] &amp; Battlezone (1983)(Atarisoft) &amp; Bomber (1978)(Softape) &amp; Blitzkrieg (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Tank War (1978)(The Muse)(US) &amp; Pill Box (1982)(Lord of the Games).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Robot Tank (1981)(Amber Software)[cr Disk Wizard] &amp; Battlezone (1983)(Atarisoft) &amp; Bomber (1978)(Softape) &amp; Blitzkrieg (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Tank War (1978)(The Muse)(US) &amp; Pill Box (1982)(Lord of the Games).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1981</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1981\Ski Slalom Competition (1981)(Stanton, Jeffrey) &amp; Dueling Digits (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr Super Pirates of Minneapolis] &amp; Firebug (1982)(MUSE Software)(II+)[cr][48K] &amp; &amp; Track Attack (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr The Duplicators].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Ski Slalom Competition (1981)(Stanton, Jeffrey) &amp; Dueling Digits (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr Super Pirates of Minneapolis] &amp; Firebug (1982)(MUSE Software)(II+)[cr][48K] &amp; &amp; Track Attack (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr The Duplicators].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1981</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1982\Dueling Digits (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr Super Pirates of Minneapolis] &amp; Firebug (1982)(MUSE Software)(II+)[cr][48K] &amp; Ski Slalom Competition (1981)(Stanton, Jeffrey) &amp; Track Attack (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr The Duplicators].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Dueling Digits (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr Super Pirates of Minneapolis] &amp; Firebug (1982)(MUSE Software)(II+)[cr][48K] &amp; Ski Slalom Competition (1981)(Stanton, Jeffrey) &amp; Track Attack (1982)(Brøderbund)[cr The Duplicators].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1982</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1982\Pill Box (1982)(Lord of the Games) &amp; Robot Tank (1981)(Amber Software)[cr Disk Wizard] &amp; Battlezone (1983)(Atarisoft) &amp; Bomber (1978)(Softape) &amp; Blitzkrieg (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Tank War (1978)(The Muse)(US).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Pill Box (1982)(Lord of the Games) &amp; Robot Tank (1981)(Amber Software)[cr Disk Wizard] &amp; Battlezone (1983)(Atarisoft) &amp; Bomber (1978)(Softape) &amp; Blitzkrieg (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Tank War (1978)(The Muse)(US).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1982</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\1983\Mad Rat (1983)(Phoenix Software)[cr The Disk Jockey &amp; Apple Kong (19xx)(-) &amp; Laser Bounce (1982)(Hayden Book Company) &amp; Space Fungus (1983)(SoftSide Magazine)[cr The Enchantor - Double Density].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Mad Rat (1983)(Phoenix Software)[cr The Disk Jockey &amp; Apple Kong (19xx)(-) &amp; Laser Bounce (1982)(Hayden Book Company) &amp; Space Fungus (1983)(SoftSide Magazine)[cr The Enchantor - Double Density].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 4 1983</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\ABM (1980)(MUSE Software) &amp; Invasion Force (19xx)(Lurie, Gordon) &amp; Missile Defense (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Norad (19xx)(-) &amp; Planet Protector (19xx)(-)[cr] &amp; Rocket Command (1980)(Bozo NYC).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>ABM (1980)(MUSE Software) &amp; Invasion Force (19xx)(Lurie, Gordon) &amp; Missile Defense (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Norad (19xx)(-) &amp; Planet Protector (19xx)(-)[cr] &amp; Rocket Command (1980)(Bozo NYC).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Apple Kong (19xx)(-) &amp; Mad Rat (1983)(Phoenix Software)[cr The Disk Jockey] &amp; Laser Bounce (1982)(Hayden Book Company) &amp; Space Fungus (1983)(SoftSide Magazine)[cr The Enchantor - Double Density].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Apple Kong (19xx)(-) &amp; Mad Rat (1983)(Phoenix Software)[cr The Disk Jockey] &amp; Laser Bounce (1982)(Hayden Book Company) &amp; Space Fungus (1983)(SoftSide Magazine)[cr The Enchantor - Double Density].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Hi-Res Football (1980)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Computer Foosball (1981)(Sirius Software)[cr Mr. Xerox] &amp; Hi-Res Soccer (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Baseball (1979)(Programma International).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Hi-Res Football (1980)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Computer Foosball (1981)(Sirius Software)[cr Mr. Xerox] &amp; Hi-Res Soccer (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Baseball (1979)(Programma International).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Hi-Res Soccer (1981)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Hi-Res Football (1980)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Computer Foosball (1981)(Sirius Software)[cr Mr. Xerox] &amp; &amp; Baseball (1979)(Programma International).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Hi-Res Soccer (1981)(On-Line Systems)[b] &amp; Hi-Res Football (1980)(On-Line Systems)[b] &amp; Computer Foosball (1981)(Sirius Software)[cr Mr. Xerox] &amp; &amp; Baseball (1979)(Programma International).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Lasar Wars (1981)(Crystal Computer)(US) &amp; Lazer-Blaster (1981-07-06)(MicroSPARC) &amp; Flockland Island Crisis, The (1982)(Vital Information)(II+)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K] &amp; Telengard (1982)(Avalon Hill).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Lasar Wars (1981)(Crystal Computer)(US) &amp; Lazer-Blaster (1981-07-06)(MicroSPARC) &amp; Flockland Island Crisis, The (1982)(Vital Information)(II+)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K] &amp; Telengard (1982)(Avalon Hill).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag - High Society][48K] &amp; One On One (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr L.S.D.][48K] &amp; Hard Hat Mack (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag - High Society][48K] &amp; One On One (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr L.S.D.][48K] &amp; Hard Hat Mack (1983)(Electronic Arts)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag][48K] &amp; Spy Hunter (1983)(Bally Midway)[t +1][48K] &amp; Syzygy (1983)(Hobbs, Ed) &amp; Night Crawler (1981)(Softape)[req manual load].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)(II+)[cr Black Bag][48K] &amp; Spy Hunter (1983)(Bally Midway)[t +1][48K] &amp; Syzygy (1983)(Hobbs, Ed) &amp; Night Crawler (1981)(Softape)[req manual load].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Night Mission Pinball (1982)(subLOGIC)[48K] &amp; Taxman (1981)(H.A.L. Labs)[cr Nutcracker] &amp; Choplifter (1982)(Brøderbund)(II-II+)[cr Nibbler][48K] &amp; Asteroid Field (1980)(Cavalier Computer).zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Night Mission Pinball (1982)(subLOGIC)[48K] &amp; Taxman (1981)(H.A.L. Labs)[cr Nutcracker] &amp; Choplifter (1982)(Brøderbund)(II-II+)[cr Nibbler][48K] &amp; Asteroid Field (1980)(Cavalier Computer).zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Pig Pen (1982)(TMQ Software) &amp; Cross Country Rallye (1982)(Continental Software) &amp; Mouskattack (1982)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Succession (1982)(Piccadilly Software)[cr Black Bag][48K].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Pig Pen (1982)(TMQ Software) &amp; Cross Country Rallye (1982)(Continental Software) &amp; Mouskattack (1982)(On-Line Systems) &amp; Succession (1982)(Piccadilly Software)[cr Black Bag][48K].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Quadrant 6112 (1982)(Sensible Software)[cr Zero Page - The Mulcher II] &amp; Bezoff (1982)(Bez) &amp; Mars Cars (1982)(Datamost)(II+)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K] &amp; Bezwars (1981)(Bez)[cr Mr. Xerox].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Quadrant 6112 (1982)(Sensible Software)[cr Zero Page - The Mulcher II] &amp; Bezoff (1982)(Bez) &amp; Mars Cars (1982)(Datamost)(II+)[cr Mr. Krac-Man][48K] &amp; Bezwars (1981)(Bez)[cr Mr. Xerox].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Robotron 2084 (1983)(Atarisoft)[48K] &amp; Pac-Man (1983)(Atari) &amp; Star Trek (1983)(Sega)[cr Dr. Micro - Freeze][t +4] &amp; Mario Bros. (198x)(Atarisoft)(pre-release)[cr 202 Alliance][p].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Robotron 2084 (1983)(Atarisoft)[48K] &amp; Pac-Man (1983)(Atari) &amp; Star Trek (1983)(Sega)[cr Dr. Micro - Freeze][t +4] &amp; Mario Bros. (198x)(Atarisoft)(pre-release)[cr 202 Alliance][p].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Strategy &amp; Text Adventures - Arena of Octos, B1 Bomber, Galactic Empires, Galaxy, House of Usher, Midway Campaign, Nukewar, Santa Paravia, Sumer 4000 BC (19xx)(-)[a no 'creatures' file].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Strategy &amp; Text Adventures - Arena of Octos, B1 Bomber, Galactic Empires, Galaxy, House of Usher, Midway Campaign, Nukewar, Santa Paravia, Sumer 4000 BC (19xx)(-)[a no 'creatures' file].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
<LocalFile>C:\Users\valer\Desktop\APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1\_Comp\TOSEC\Tranquility Base (1984)(Peachtree Software) &amp; Apple Invader (19xx)(-) &amp; Dart Room (1980)(Programma Software) &amp; Clowns &amp; Balloons (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Animals (1978)(Apple)[req Integer BASIC].zip</LocalFile>
<RemoteFile>Tranquility Base (1984)(Peachtree Software) &amp; Apple Invader (19xx)(-) &amp; Dart Room (1980)(Programma Software) &amp; Clowns &amp; Balloons (1979)(Programma Software) &amp; Animals (1978)(Apple)[req Integer BASIC].zip</RemoteFile>
<RemotePath>1 0 5 media 3 fat 5 games 8 Apple-II 42 APPLE II - Play It By Year Collection v0.1 5 _Comp 5 TOSEC</RemotePath>
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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by akeley »

valerino wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:43 pm may i suggest to not zip games individually ?
Sorry, but having one-name-per-game is one of the principles behind this collection. This way everything is nice and tidy, and you can see what's what at a glance (and not stare at one big mess of files with duplicate filenames a la TOSEC). I guess I could put them in separate directories unzipped but then it'd be a much, much bigger file, also it would be messier on archive.org's "inside look" itself.

Anyway, you can sort it all out locally. It might take a while, depending on how fast your CPU and HDD is, but it's definitely doable. Download >> unpack everything to separate directories >> pack again into one big zip >> voila! I recommend the Total Commander + PeaZip combo for such operations.

The long filenames are a bit of a 'mare but that's something to sort in future releases...if I tried doing cosmetics during this one, I'd never got it out the door ;)

Thanks for the feedback anyhoo.
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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by valerino »

I guess I could put them in separate directories unzipped but then it'd be a much, much bigger file, also it would be messier on archive.org's "inside look" itself.

Exactly what I meant. anyway, np. thanks for the reply!

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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by akeley »

Long overdue...

V1.0 (03-2024) is the second release which:
-adds some games previously only available as .wav files
-reorganizes the structure
-adds A-Z version
-cleans up some minor errors, duplicates, etc

It's mostly housekeeping, seeing as this is a low-priority project for me, and the to-do tasks are either beyond my skills or too big in scale. Even so, the collection should be much more usable now (also, a little bird tells me that eXo of eXoDOS fame is working on one for Apple II, so it should be rather interesting).

Big thanks to @Newsdee for helping out with .wav file transfer, thus making some truly ancient software available for the first time as .dsk files.

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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by djsquare »

Thanks for this. I haven't used an Apple II since 5th grade or so and I thought they were so lame and outdated at the time

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Re: A New Apple II Game Collection

Unread post by akeley »

A new update is available, thanks to AtariAge user Pluvius. It's really awesome, converting a lot of previously wav-only games to disk format and also separating some which were part of compilations before. I don't have time atm to properly integrate it into the collection itself, so for now I just included it as a separate update pack, as provided by Pluvius. You can also get it from its own archive.org page.

Expansion Pack to Apple II "Play It By Year" Game Collection v0.1
-It offers as many cassette-based games from the main collection as possible that were previously available only in wavefile format as traditional disk images, updating these games to work properly on disks when necessary.

-It splits the compilations (both official and pirated) from the year-based index of the main collection up into their component parts, where this was deemed feasible and appropriate. I have made my best attempt at only including "relevant" components from these compilations, eschewing utilities, works of art, and educational programs that don't feature anything that would generally be considered gameplay. Again, YMMV, and concerned gamers should feel free to look at the original compilations to ensure that I haven't left anything out, and ignore programs that I shouldn't have included.[...]

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