I've been getting the following when when using update_all:
Downloader 1.5 (21bfc61) by theypsilon. Run time: 0:00:41.25s
Log: /media/fat/Scripts/.config/downloader/downloader.log
Following new versions were not installed:
•bios_db: games/NEOGEO/neo-epo.sp1
* Delete the file that you wish to upgrade from the previous list, and run this again.
Although it is not problematic, as far as the neo geo core is concerned, the neo-epo.sp1 file isn't even present inside the folder!?
Even if I do place this file in the correspondent folder, The update keeps saying...
Following new versions were not installed:
•bios_db: games/NEOGEO/neo-epo.sp1
* Delete the file that you wish to upgrade from the previous list, and run this again.
Question: What should I do?