I fiddled a bit, trying to see if Turbo Outrun would load at all, used the manual for the Outrun upgrade kit as a reference (
https://arcarc.xmission.com/PDF_Arcade_ ... lement.pdf)
The game boots, but does not load the graphics set. I assume this is because the jumpers are not set as instructed in the manual. I also assume this would be relatively easy to do in the core code. We just have to wait it out a bit
Code: Select all
<!-- FPGA arcade hardware by Jotego
This core is available for hardware compatible with MiST and MiSTer
Other FPGA systems may be supported by the time you read this.
This work is not mantained by the MiSTer project. Please contact the
core author for issues and updates.
(c) Jose Tejada, 2022. Please support this research
Patreon: https://patreon.com/jotego
The author does not endorse or participate in illegal distribution
of copyrighted material. This work can be used with compatible
software. This software can be homebrew projects or legally
obtained memory dumps of compatible games.
This file license is GNU GPLv2.
You can read the whole license file in
<about author="jotego" webpage="https://patreon.com/jotego" source="https://github.com/jotego" twitter="@topapate"/>
<name>Turbo Out Run</name>
<rom index="0" zip="toutrun.zip" md5="None">
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
<!-- maincpu - starts at 0x0 -->
<interleave output="16">
<part name="epr-12512.118" crc="5e9d788b" map="01"/>
<part name="epr-12513.133" crc="a1881cea" map="10"/>
<interleave output="16">
<part name="epr-12514.117" crc="faf00bd6" map="01"/>
<part name="epr-12515.132" crc="fd432e2d" map="10"/>
<part repeat="0x20000"> FF</part>
<!-- subcpu - starts at 0x60000 -->
<interleave output="16">
<part name="opr-12294.58" crc="27cdcfd3" map="01"/>
<part name="opr-12295.76" crc="d43a3a84" map="10"/>
<interleave output="16">
<part name="opr-12296.57" crc="0a513671" map="01"/>
<part name="opr-12297.75" crc="1d9b5677" map="10"/>
<part repeat="0x20000"> FF</part>
<!-- soundcpu - starts at 0xC0000 -->
<part name="epr-12300.88" crc="e8ff7011"/>
<part repeat="0x8000"> FF</part>
<!-- pcm - starts at 0xD0000 -->
<part name="opr-12301.66" crc="6e78ad15"/>
<part repeat="0x8000"> FF</part>
<part name="opr-12302.67" crc="e72928af"/>
<part repeat="0x8000"> FF</part>
<part name="opr-12303.68" crc="8384205c"/>
<part repeat="0x8000"> FF</part>
<part name="opr-12304.69" crc="e1762ac3"/>
<part repeat="0x8000"> FF</part>
<part name="opr-12305.70" crc="ba9ce677"/>
<part repeat="0x8000"> FF</part>
<part name="opr-12306.71" crc="e49249fd"/>
<part repeat="0x8000"> FF</part>
<!-- gfx1 - starts at 0x130000 -->
<interleave output="16">
<part name="epr-12292.116" crc="51d98af0" map="01"/> <!-- TOR -->
<part name="epr-12293.131" crc="f4321eea" map="10"/> <!-- TOR -->
<interleave output="32">
<part name="opr-12323.102" crc="4de43a6f" map="0001"/>
<part name="opr-12324.103" crc="24607a55" map="0010"/>
<part name="opr-12325.104" crc="1405137a" map="0100"/>
<part name="opr-12325.104" crc="1405137a" map="1000"/>
<!-- sprites - starts at 0x170000 -->
<interleave output="32">
<part name="mpr-12336.9" crc="dda465c7" map="0001"/>
<part name="mpr-12337.10" crc="828233d1" map="0010"/>
<part name="mpr-12338.11" crc="46b4b5f4" map="0100"/>
<part name="mpr-12339.12" crc="0d7e3bab" map="1000"/>
<interleave output="32">
<part name="mpr-12364.13" crc="a4b83e65" map="0001"/>
<part name="mpr-12365.14" crc="4a80b2a9" map="0010"/>
<part name="mpr-12366.15" crc="385cb3ab" map="0100"/>
<part name="mpr-12367.16" crc="4930254a" map="1000"/>
<!-- segaic16road - starts at 0x270000 -->
<!-- Singleton region. The files are merged with themselves. -->
<interleave output="16">
<part name="epr-12299.47" crc="fc9bc41b" map="01" length="0x4000"/>
<part name="epr-12299.47" crc="fc9bc41b" map="10" length="0x4000" offset="0x4000"/>
<interleave output="16">
<part name="epr-12298.11" crc="fc9bc41b" map="10" length="0x4000"/>
<part name="epr-12298.11" crc="fc9bc41b" map="01" length="0x4000" offset="0x4000"/>
<!-- Total 0x270000 bytes - 2496 kBytes -->
<rom index="17" zip="jtbeta.zip" md5="None">
<part name="beta.bin"/>
<nvram index="2" size="12288"/>
<rom index="1">
<switches page_id="1" page_name="Switches" base="16" default="ff,f9">
<!-- COINAGE -->
<dip name="Coin A" bits="0,3" ids="Free Play or 1/1,1/1 2/3,1/1 4/5,1/1 5/6,2/1 4/3,2/1 5/3 6/4,2/3,4/1,3/1,2/1,1/6,1/5,1/4,1/3,1/2,1/1"/>
<dip name="Coin B" bits="4,7" ids="Free Play or 1/1,1/1 2/3,1/1 4/5,1/1 5/6,2/1 4/3,2/1 5/3 6/4,2/3,4/1,3/1,2/1,1/6,1/5,1/4,1/3,1/2,1/1"/>
<!-- DSW -->
<dip name="Cabinet" bits="8,9" ids="Unused,Mini Up,Up Cockpit,Moving"/>
<dip name="Demo Sounds" bits="10" ids="On,Off"/>
<dip name="Time Adj." bits="12,13" ids="Hardest,Hard,Easy,Normal"/>
<dip name="Difficulty" bits="14,15" ids="Hardest,Hard,Easy,Normal"/>
<buttons names="Accelerate,Brake,Gear (Low / High),-,Start,Coin,Core credits" default="Y,X,B,A,Start,Select,-" count="3"/>