Just to let you know I am still working on this.
The main thing I had to find out how hard it is to correctly add signed and unsigned numbers of different width in Verilog (<troll>VHDL is much better: if it compiles, it works correctly</troll>).
You may give this a try:
https://github.com/pvanschendel/Arcade- ... 221120.rbf
Improvements are only in the digital synthesizer (which produces all music and jingles)
1. The synthesizer now runs at the correct frequency
2. The synthesizer now has an envelope generator
3. The synthesizer now has a 1.9 kHz anti-aliasing filter
Embarassingly, it turned out that these last two changes had already been implemented on the DonkeyKongJr. core that was split from the main core years ago. For now, I just ripped these back to the original core.
I think the envelope and filter that get is not yet as accurate as they can be made, without increasing resource usage, but I thought I had to give you something.
I converted the wav sounds from the mra-file back to wav, to find out if their format (11.025 kHz, 8bit unsigned).
If anyone is interested, I can share the sound "recordings" I have in audacity file format.
The walk sounds in the mra are closer to the recording by 80sArcadeKid than the currently emulated walk sound.
So I hope that also there, some increased analog simulation accuracy may be achieved.
I had a short discussion with JOpdorp, and you can rest assured: He is not dead, but working on a new project, so I understood that there is no conflict if I am messing around.
To add (a barrel of, haha) oil to the fire of the sound output variations discussion:
The sounds in the mra are more noisy (that may just be early 2000s hobby sound recording tech for you), but also crisper than the recording by 80sArcadeKid.
So I think you may still want to turn on a 2kHz Arcarde low-pass filter in the core menu to re-create the sound of your particular setup. Maybe a new, even lower-pass filter is needed, although I do not think we should go so far down as to re-create the MAME experience.
I would be really interested: When the video was made of all Donkey Kong cabs running in unison, were individual recordings made as well? If so, could I get my hands on them?
Finally, I would like to find out how the original sound recordings in the current core were made. I just found the [url=
https://web.archive.org/web/20080518005 ... ng_prj.htm
]original repository by Katsumi Degawa on internet archive[\url], but I think the .zip file downloads of the source code are lost.
Also, I am not sure what happened between 2004 and the time it arrived in the MiST repository, and where the mra files come from. I have not tried very hard to ask around, but if anyone who knows reads this...
Up next:
wickerwaka — 11/23/2022 10:51 PM
Pretty cool that they provide this:
I think I will give this a go, I am such a newbee, I have actually never used MAME