JPAC + Blast City Cab Help

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JPAC + Blast City Cab Help

Unread post by Giddygoon »

I have a 2 player 6 button aside and player 1 player 2 select control panel, I have jamma harness and also the sega kick harness for the extra three kicks either side.

I bought the new JPAC USB version. now I can config the joysticks and the all the buttons but I get stuck on trying to set up the coin and player buttons, I seem to be able to have one or the other Coin or player 1

I have messed around with the WinPAC programme and tried to set slide keys e.g 5 IPAC Slide to 1and vice verses, don't work

I have set Vip and Pin in the ini file mines 209 - 405

I also can't work out how to set a combo to get into the OSD... i.e up and 1 player

I do have all buttons configed and I do have both player 1 and player 2 joysticks working up,down,left right ... just out of ideas from here

Has anybody ever set up a a jamma cab got all buttons working and been able to set a combo for the OSD with the just the joystick layout default no extra switches or buttons?

Thanks for any advice

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Re: JPAC + Blast City Cab Help

Unread post by Giddygoon »

Success !!!

This is the end of my journey with Mister and Jpac in my Sega Blast City.

Things i could not work out was to set up a combo button player i.e mame player 1 is also mame 5 = credit

So i set up my Jpac to standard mame keyboard settings i.e left ctrl, left Alt, etc

And I just want to point out that mame ( I ) is not recognised and has to be re-programed with WinPac to (E)
Anyway I lucky I still had my coin mech working and was able to set the coin mech to mame 5 for credit

All working now, I open the service door and just use the I/O board buttons to get into the OSD. Reset - OSD - User

Just thought I leave a road map for anyone using a real jamma cab with no extra buttons

Very happy with the results ( :

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