PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

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PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by emuola »

I ran the Python scrips and the roms were generated. For some reason if I specify the pcxt_pcxt31.rom as the rom for IBM and choose Reset and apply, the core does nothing. With e.g. pcxt_micro8088.rom it does reset and then start. What could be wrong with my configuration? :oops:

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Re: PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by emuola »

Could someone please post a screenshot of their PCXT core System and BIOS settings? :)

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Re: PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by desin24 »

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Re: PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by emuola »

desin24 wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 2:43 pm

have you tried this rom file ?
https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/PCXT_Mi ... pcxt31.rom

Actually that does work. What the h*ll, I thought downloaded exactly that rom file already 🤦‍♂️

Thank you soo much, desin24 🔥

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Re: PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by HerrBerzerk »


I am really confused about the Bios Files for PCXT... there are plenty on github but the description is not clear to me.

There are 3 required in the settings: PCXT, Tandy and EC00 Bios (what is that anyway?)

I also read the part about the Python scripts wich create roms, but I tried in terminal and I have no clue how to execute them...

These are the files I found... Can someone help?

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Re: PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by southoz »

When generating the PCXT rom the script references the V1 ROM, which is problematic with the CT Mouse driver. Symptoms include a blank screen when using DOS edit.

https://minuszerodegrees.net/5160/bios/ ... isions.htm

You can update the script with the following changes to use the V3 ROM.

Code: Select all

import os
import glob
import zipfile
import requests

if __name__ == "__main__":
    URL = "https://minuszerodegrees.net/bios/BIOS_5160_09MAY86.zip"
    response = requests.get(URL)
    open("ibm5160.zip", "wb").write(response.content)

with zipfile.ZipFile("ibm5160.zip", 'r') as zip_ref:

    print("Error while deleting file : ibm5160.zip")

    print("Error while deleting file : README.TXT")

rom_filename = "pcxt.rom"
ibm5160_basename = "BIOS_5160_09MAY86_"

with open(rom_filename, "wb") as romf, open(ibm5160_basename + "U19_62X0819_68X4370_27256_F000.BIN", "rb") as f:

with open(rom_filename, "ab") as romf, open(ibm5160_basename + "U18_59X7268_62X0890_27256_F800.BIN", "rb") as f:

fileList = glob.glob(ibm5160_basename + "*.BIN")

for filePath in fileList:
        print("Error while deleting file : ", filePath)
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Re: PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by akeley »

HerrBerzerk wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:32 pm


I am really confused about the Bios Files for PCXT... there are plenty on github but the description is not clear to me.

There are 3 required in the settings: PCXT, Tandy and EC00 Bios (what is that anyway?)

I also read the part about the Python scripts wich create roms, but I tried in terminal and I have no clue how to execute them...

These are the files I found... Can someone help?

I'm not an expert on this, and been out of the loop for a while but, seeing as there were no other replies;

-I see there was a lot of reorganising of the bios files on github, but the "ROM Instructions" sections on Wiki has not been updated, hence possible confusion

-For PC/XT: use pcxt_pcxt31.rom - load it in OSD in "PCXT BIOS:" and set "Model" to IBM PCXT. You can also load ide_xtl.rom into "EC00 BIOS" in OSD, though I think these bioses have it already baked in (it enables the use of hdd images).
You can also use the pcxt_xtsergey.rom rom instead of pcxt_pcxt31.rom (I think this is what was previously called pcxt_micro8088.rom?)

You can also run the ibm5160 script to generate the original IBM PC rom for more authentic experience (then load it same as the rom above + the ide_xtl.rom, and perhaps add the changes from the previous post by @southoz)

-For Tandy: you will need to generate the rom with the make_rom_with_tandy.py script. Download the script and put it in /media/fat/games/PCXT directory. I use WinSCP and open terminal through that, then type "python make_rom_with_tandy.py", wait a few seconds and the tandy.rom should appear in the PCXT directory. I'm sure you can also do it from MiSTer's Linux terminal, once you get to the /media/fat/games/PCXT dir and perhaps add some Linux-specific doodah.

Once you have created the rom it's similar as with the IBM rom. In OSD load the tandy.rom in "TANDY BIOS" field, and ide_xtl.rom in "EC00 BIOS", and choose Tandy 1000 in "Model".

Also, if you want to run games using BASIC you should use the rom versions from BASICA directory on github.

Like I said, my memory of doing all this is a bit hazy so hopefully somebody else can correct any mistakes or expand on the subject in general.

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Re: PC/XT: pcxt31.rom Not Working, Others Are?

Unread post by HerrBerzerk »

akeley wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:08 am

I'm not an expert on this, and been out of the loop for a while but, seeing as there were no other replies;

Thank you very much, that helped a lot!

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