MiSTercade WGM2792 Monitor Issues

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MiSTercade WGM2792 Monitor Issues

Unread post by DeepEcho »

Hello all,
Newbie to MiSTer here. Recently picked up a MisterCade with XL board and put together my first build. Everything runs great on HDMI! The main reason for my build is to replace/upgrade my Capcom CPS2 collection.

I have a Dynamo cabinet with a Wells Gardner WGM2792. I had no luck connecting to video via JAMMA, which works fine with the CPS2 boards. I switched the monitor's connections to VGA and was able to get video through the VGA port adjacent to the audio toslink and RCA. However, there is random distortion and lots of Buzzing and clicking/chirping. I've used the monitor's VGA connection previously without issue.

It seems to flicker and buzz more as a game changes scenes. For example, as Marvel vs Capcom goes into it's intro/demo, the buzzing, and clicking/chirping starts. When a core loads, the loading screen is stretched and distorted.

Wondering if this is a signal issue or ini edit, or a jumper? I havent messed with any .ini files yet but when I look at the root of my SD card I do not see a Mister.ini (see attached). Is my next step to start to modify/use the example file?

Hoping someone with more experience can lend their advice to push me in the right direction.

Capture.PNG (38.52 KiB) Viewed 2602 times
0.jpg (198.75 KiB) Viewed 2602 times
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Re: MiSTercade WGM2792 Monitor Issues

Unread post by Xbytez »

I think you will need to configure your .ini based upon the display type you are using. If you will are using Analog audio output (either mono amplified output through the JAMMA connector or stereo line level output through the RCA ports or 3.5mm headphone port), set SW0 on the DE10-Nano ON towards the center of the board to enable audio. SW1, SW2 and SW3 should remain OFF away from the center of the board.

I suggest you work through the MiSTercade manual for detailed help getting setup.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ujk ... QNcuI/edit

15Khz and 31Khz in Tate and Yoko orientation are here:

https://github.com/misteraddons/MiSTerc ... Ter%20INIs

You will also want the control mappings from the MiSTercade GitHub here:


Hope this helps get you up and running.

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