Atari 7800 / 2600

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by thorr »

bankshot wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:12 pm

WTF is going on here?

I haven't tried it recently, but I probably will. In the meantime, maybe this will be useful, although it is not really clear to me:

What is a PDL adapter?

Edit: I just tried it and it is still working for me. I am using the core from 12/27/2022. I calibrated my D9 by pressing both paddle buttons when plugging in the D9. I went in the core menu and changed the first port to Paddle. I launched Kaboom and pressed the button on the paddle and it recognized it and it worked.

Edit 2: I just ran update all, and I saw that it did something with the palettes in the 7800 core or something. My paddles are no longer working. I will continue to test.

Edit 3: I got it working again. I don't know if it made the difference, but I replaced the file on my MiSTer with the one from the ZIP file in this post: viewtopic.php?p=66551#p66551 Then when I tried Kaboom, I think I grabbed the wrong paddle first. What ended up happening was I could use the button from the other paddle to start the bombs dropping, but the steering was on the paddle I was holding. Then I loaded a different core and loaded the 7800 core again. This time I moved the other paddle first, and the button was on the correct paddle this time. I always use Kaboom when testing because you can hit select and do 2 player games and you can see things easily without the game going crazy.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by bankshot »

Thanks thorr!

PDL USB adapter created by D9 creator to eliminate the MiSTer 2600 paddle jitter issue. Even though I could not get the games working, I could tell that the PDL eliminated the jitter problem I was having trying to use the D9 with my 40 year old Atari paddles! So the 40 year old pots in the Atari paddles were not the problem.

Thank you for testing that! I will give that map file a try and see what happens. Looking forward to playing 2600 paddle games jitter free :)

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by bankshot »

Just tried the new map file suggested by thorr and there is no positive change for me.

It's really a shame, both paddles are working great in the MiSTer gamepad input tester app. Based on this evidence, I can only logically conclude that there is some kind of unexplained issue with the 7800 core.

Happy to help with any 7800 core troubleshooting efforts.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by thorr »

If it's working for me, then it can work for you and wouldn't need a core update, but rather, finding the secret sauce on your setup to get it working. It might be that the PDL adapter has a different VID/PID so the map file isn't being used. I would start by using the D9 and try to get that working first. Use Kaboom, make sure port 1 is Paddle, start (reset/F2) the game, wiggle one of the paddles. It should say Paddle 1A is being used. Try a button. If it doesn't work, try the other paddle's button. If that works, load a different rom and reload the kaboom rom again, and repeat but wiggle the opposite paddle first from the first time and try the button.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by LamerDeluxe »

The PDL adapter does use a different PID. I'm not at home at the moment, so I can't look it up, but I indeed edited the file by hand to make it work.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by bankshot »

Sounds like I didn't do a very good job of explaining the situation.

My D9 used to work fine. Now, the paddle sweep works but the fire button no longer works.

I created the map file for the PDL by copying the D9 map file and then renaming it with the PID of the PDL. Same problem with PDL, the paddle sweep works but not the fire button. On both D9 and PDL, I do get the "Paddle 1A Assigned" (Or 1B) screen alert after loading a game ROM and sweeping a paddle.

I think I'll blow away both files and start fresh. Is there a way to "factory reset" a core to get it back to its original default configuration?

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by thorr »

Try Kaboom and push the button on the other paddle to see if he starts dropping the bombs. I often have the problem that the button function is on the wrong paddle. Also, you may have to map the paddle's fire button in the main menu joystick mapping, but I am not sure. I am not an expert on putting things back to the default configuration. I usually look in the various sub-directories and delete any files that seem like they are related and are safe to delete.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by bankshot »

Just a quick update - I got everything working, both the D9 and the PDL. My 40 year old Atari paddles (and the pots inside) are working like they are brand spanking new. Thank you again kitrinx for all the hard/amazing work!

I feel cheated that I never got to play Circus Atari when I was a kid.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 »

@bankshot Please share how you got there? I have the same adapters. :)

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by bankshot »

Yes of course! You need the .map file provided by mister240p on page 14 of this thread. Unzip and place the .map file in the Inputs directory of your MiSTer SD card. This will be for your D9 adapter. Now make a copy of the .map file and rename it with the PID of the PDL adapter. For me, the D9 PID was 04d8:f6eb and the PDL PID was 04d8:f947, not sure if yours will match this but you can try it. I have the three jumpers on the D9 set to all down (labeled "not used" on my version as the 2600 paddle mode was added to the firmware later). I have the two jumpers on my PDL set to down which is labeled MiSTer 7800/2600 mode.

I seem to have the best success by not having the paddles plugged in until after MiSTer bootup. After bootup I hit my PS4 DualSense controller D-pad in the main menu to make it become the primary controller, and then plug in the D9/PDL USB plug to the MiSTer afterward (the entire paddle apparatus is already assembled together, paddles-to D9/PDL-to USB cable). I don't have to hold any paddle buttons while plugging in the USB plug.

Load the 7800 core and pull up the options. I set both Port 1 and Port 2 to Paddle and Allow Multiple Paddles to Yes. You will need to change this back later to Joystick for any non-paddle games. Most games will require you to use your primary controller to start them, in my case the Options button on my PS4 gamepad.

Hope this works for you! What is strange is that I am no longer experiencing jitter with my D9 as I originally did. Predictably, I never experienced any jitter at all with the PDL. Good luck!

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 »

bankshot wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:48 pm

Yes of course! You need the .map file provided by mister240p on page 14 of this thread. Unzip and place the .map file in the Inputs directory of your MiSTer SD card. This will be for your D9 adapter. Now make a copy of the .map file and rename it with the PID of the PDL adapter. For me, the D9 PID was 04d8:f6eb and the PDL PID was 04d8:f947, not sure if yours will match this but you can try it. I have the three jumpers on the D9 set to all down (labeled "not used" on my version as the 2600 paddle mode was added to the firmware later). I have the two jumpers on my PDL set to down which is labeled MiSTer 7800/2600 mode.

Which map file? There are two (different) ones in his zip.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by bankshot »

It should be called What is the other file called?

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 » - I think the former is the core-level mapping and the latter is the MiSTer-level mapping and both are needed (per adapter type).

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by bankshot »

Hmm I think you are correct. I'm looking at my SD card and I have both files for both adapters even though I only copied and renamed the one starting with "ATARI7800" when I got this working the other day. I must have generated my own .map file for the PDL at some point manually. I would say copy over both and make a cloned version of both but changing the filenames to the new PID for the PDL cloned map files.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 »

Just in case, could you also supply your map file?

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by virtuali »


I'm trying the new Atari 2600+ Paddles which I just received today, connected with a SNAC adapter and an audio jack in the ADC in of the Analog board.

The paddles work in Mister "ADC input test" utility, although the range is about 30% less than maximum (it reaches the 3rd green dashed line on the right). Also, the response doesn't seem to be linear, it seems faster the more the paddle is rotated to the right. I never tried a real Atari paddle, is this how it's supposed to be ?

In the 7800 core, in SNAC mode, the Fire button WORKS, but no matter which settings I tried, there's no movement on the analog axis.

I tried the old unofficial 2600 core with SNAC support posted here:


And everything works, analog, fire button and one or two players.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by Lightwave »

I believe the 2600 SNAC adapter currently only works with paddles in the old 2600 core.

Support still needs to be added in the 2600/7800 core.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 »

Trying the (MiSTer Main and ATARI7800) map files from page 14, they actually work very well with the D9 and PDL adapters, with one exception...paddle B of a pair's button doesn't work.

Anyone else seen this/have a possible fix?

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by skooter »

Could anyone share the D9 firmware that supports MiSTer?
The author pulled it down before I could download it.
And now his whole website seems to be gone.
I may not have the jitter problem since I'm using a Mean Well power source with the ground pin.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 »

The website seems to be just fine, but the firmware was indeed removed.

I will see if I can pull it from one of my D9s.

Even better - I did indeed keep it, I looked on the wrong machine.


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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

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Thank you very much.

I'll give D9 another try since MiSTer doesn't support the spinner I bought.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by skooter »

Yesterday I finally installed the D9 Mister firmware and tried again.
It was a major waste of time!
The mapping files didn't work.
I mapped them through the menu assigning paddle buttons to A and B.
I changed the core inputs to paddles and the option to have two paddles in the same controller.
I mapped the paddle buttons to Fire1 through the core mapping.
Though I could move the paddles, with no jitter, the buttons never worked.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by Lightwave »

skooter wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 12:26 pm

Yesterday I finally installed the D9 Mister firmware and tried again.
It was a major waste of time!
The mapping files didn't work.
I mapped them through the menu assigning paddle buttons to A and B.
I changed the core inputs to paddles and the option to have two paddles in the same controller.
I mapped the paddle buttons to Fire1 through the core mapping.
Though I could move the paddles, with no jitter, the buttons never worked.

First, if you are using the input mapping files provided here, don't go into button mapping as it will overwrite them.

If you are mapping manually, the first paddle button should be mapped to Fire 1, and the second to Thumb (NOT Fire 2).

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by skooter »

I tried the mappings file before I went into the button mappings.
I don't recall a "thumb" option to map, but I'll check again.
Anyway, it should have worked with at least one paddle, as I was mapping the button to Fire 1.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 »

Lightwave wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:25 pm

If you are mapping manually, the first paddle button should be mapped to Fire 1, and the second to Thumb (NOT Fire 2).

Do that again?

I'm using the files from here, and everything works GREAT except the second paddle button...and nothing I've tried will make it work.

What, exactly, is 'Thumb' and where is it found?

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by Lightwave »

rhester72 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:11 pm
Lightwave wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:25 pm

If you are mapping manually, the first paddle button should be mapped to Fire 1, and the second to Thumb (NOT Fire 2).

Do that again?

I'm using the files from here, and everything works GREAT except the second paddle button...and nothing I've tried will make it work.

What, exactly, is 'Thumb' and where is it found?

Sorry, the P2 paddle button used to be labeled "Thumb" during mapping, but I just ran through it to check and it appears it was renamed to "Paddle Button" at some point (probably to make it clearer).

In any case, the "Fire 2" button should be skipped as that is intended for the 2nd button on the 7800, and the p2 paddle button should be mapped to "Paddle Button".

As a reminder, if doing this manually you want to set up the paddle axes in the main menu (x to 1 paddle, y to the other), and then in the 7800 core mapping you want to skip everything except the buttons (so "Fire 1" and "Paddle Button" for P1 and P2). Then make sure you have Port 1 set to "Paddle" and "Allow Multi Paddle" set to yes.

I have this working perfectly here, using a custom MGL called "2600 Paddle" exclusively for paddle games (so that I don't have to change settings when moving between joystick games and paddle games.)

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rsn8887 »

I also bought the paddle adapter to get rid of jitter and it worked. Fire works as well, but you have to map the paddle fire button in core menu->define buttons. I think the paddle button is mapped separately from regular fire.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by skooter »

Lightwave wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:24 am

Sorry, the P2 paddle button used to be labeled "Thumb" during mapping, but I just ran through it to check and it appears it was renamed to "Paddle Button" at some point (probably to make it clearer).

In any case, the "Fire 2" button should be skipped as that is intended for the 2nd button on the 7800, and the p2 paddle button should be mapped to "Paddle Button".

As a reminder, if doing this manually you want to set up the paddle axes in the main menu (x to 1 paddle, y to the other), and then in the 7800 core mapping you want to skip everything except the buttons (so "Fire 1" and "Paddle Button" for P1 and P2). Then make sure you have Port 1 set to "Paddle" and "Allow Multi Paddle" set to yes.

I have this working perfectly here, using a custom MGL called "2600 Paddle" exclusively for paddle games (so that I don't have to change settings when moving between joystick games and paddle games.)

I tried all that and it failed miserably again. Axis are mapped and working just fine. Buttons are mapped and they do NOT work on the games.


I'll have to keep my real hardware forever because nothing works in my MiSTer. Even the spinner I bought, which works perfectly fine on Windows, won't work on MiSTer even with sorgelig firmware.

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by rhester72 »

Lightwave wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:24 am

I have this working perfectly here, using a custom MGL called "2600 Paddle" exclusively for paddle games (so that I don't have to change settings when moving between joystick games and paddle games.)

Would you mind sharing your /media/fat/config/inputs/ file (where XXXX and YYYY are your adapter's VID/PID)?

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Re: Atari 7800 / 2600

Unread post by Lightwave »

skooter wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:43 pm
Lightwave wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:24 am

Sorry, the P2 paddle button used to be labeled "Thumb" during mapping, but I just ran through it to check and it appears it was renamed to "Paddle Button" at some point (probably to make it clearer).

In any case, the "Fire 2" button should be skipped as that is intended for the 2nd button on the 7800, and the p2 paddle button should be mapped to "Paddle Button".

As a reminder, if doing this manually you want to set up the paddle axes in the main menu (x to 1 paddle, y to the other), and then in the 7800 core mapping you want to skip everything except the buttons (so "Fire 1" and "Paddle Button" for P1 and P2). Then make sure you have Port 1 set to "Paddle" and "Allow Multi Paddle" set to yes.

I have this working perfectly here, using a custom MGL called "2600 Paddle" exclusively for paddle games (so that I don't have to change settings when moving between joystick games and paddle games.)

I tried all that and it failed miserably again. Axis are mapped and working just fine. Buttons are mapped and they do NOT work on the games.


I'll have to keep my real hardware forever because nothing works in my MiSTer. Even the spinner I bought, which works perfectly fine on Windows, won't work on MiSTer even with sorgelig firmware.

I briefly watched your video, it seems that you have "Allow Multi Paddles" set to "No"? (You highlight it in the menu quickly, but don't appear to set it to "Yes").

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