TV Model: Philips 20pt6441/37
I came across this problem today. Namely, that Philips TVs don't seem to get a good sync signal from some of the console cores. The most notables are SNES and Genesis. The Neo-Geo and Turbo Grafx cores (along with SMS I believe) don't have this issue.
Basically, it looks like Philips TVs are using a shade of black to differentiate the blanking signal, and the SNES/Genesis cores send this same level of black out as their normal bottom-level blacks. While this probably results in a better image overall, it makes it impossible for those cores to sync until a game fills the screen with a different color. Unfortunately, a lot of games on SNES and Genesis don't do this, and the core doesn't do this as well.
Turning the Genesis "border" on fixes it for games that use anything but pure black as their border color as soon as that border appears (usually at title screens).
Any Konami game fixes it when the background gets swapped for the white "flash" at the end of the Konami logo animation.
Even "World of Illusion" fixed it with its slightly-grayer-than-black title screen border.
Is there any way this could be fixed? Like maybe a brief gray or white full-screen image right before a game loads?