my two white 8bitdo M30 2.4g USB dongle controllers which worked perfectly up until tonight are suddenly completely screwed up. In the main Mister menu, when I try to set them up, two maybe 3 of the d-pad inputs aren't reading. Both controllers exhibit the exact same behavior. The one thing I did differently tonight was I held up and select to try to make sure they were in x input mode.
Some things I tried to fix the issue:
I tried all thee input modes on both controllers (up+select, left+select, right+select), didn't help.
I re-installed both controllers firmware, nothing.
I connected both controllers to my windows PC, both worked perfectly, all inputs registered.
I tried connecting both to the mister alone, with no other controllers connected, both with the 2.4g dongle and wired, same behavior.
I connected just one controller at a time to various USB ports in the mister, no change.
All of my other controllers, 8bitdo SN30, Neo Geo CD, and TG16 all work flawlessly. I don't understand why the controller set up screen in the mister menu doesn't register the presses on three of the d-pad directions for just these two controllers all of a sudden. Is there any way to make the mister completely forget these two controllers and start fresh with them? again, all other controllers work 100%.