On my C2 42" yellow letters are warmer/orange and turtles are tan.
Dynamic Tone Mapping: Auto
Color Depth: 55
Tint: 0
Color Gamut: Auto Detect
Color Temperature: Warm 50
Because Mister HDR is so limited and color matching in ini is impractical, I think it's more workable to put the cart before the horse by doing poor man's "inverse tone mapping" using TV color setting instead of asking Mister to output something it's incapable to do. I'm willing to set aside one hdmi port just for Mister HDR with wildly pushed color values.
Here is quick test with pushing and pulling Tint values.
- mister-hdr-smw-logo.png (1.21 MiB) Viewed 14383 times
Pushing HLG Tint to G15 gets yellow letters close to SDR. But blue and green letters are dimmer. Not shown but turtles are also less tan.
I actually like DCI P3 because it's brighter than HLG. It works best with Dynamic Tone Mapping set to off on my C2. It's very green but pushing Tint to R11 gets yellow closer. blue and green look pretty good but red letter is dimmer. It's still too green overall. Pushing Tint to R15 gets overall image less green and not too bad looking but yellows are pretty warm. Also, R G B color adjustment settings under White Balance are grayed out with HLG but adjustable with DCI P3 on C2 so I think it has more potential for color matching.
Dark looking color tones can be fixed with lifted gamma curve. This could fix tan turtles. Near white tones look overblown on my C2 so bringing them down a bit would look nicer. I posted a rough gamma lut that lift low tone but I gave up trying to make an S curve that also brings down near whites.
Using just Tint value is obviously pretty blunt and limited. I don't know if it's possible but I think it would be interesting if one with color calibration ability could "calibrate" the TV using SNES 240p Test Suite or maybe run test patterns on computer cores pretending that Mister HDR is outputting correct image.