After posting/updating the RDI Halcyon thread, I watched Lu's video (THANK YOU Lu!!) as well as read through this entire thread. Thank you psakhis, Calamity, and any and all that made this core possible. I always love options, including those that benefit others even if they aren't for my own needs.
I'm trying to find a current use case for ME, but see the future potential for my setup. I misunderstood how the core worked until now and didn't know the current limitations (that's no shade at the developers!). For example, I thought I heard that you can plug things other than a PC or specific emulators in a way where the MiSTer magically displayed A/V on a CRT. I thought [in the other thread] my modded PS3 would allow me to run Dragon's Lair DVD .iso files and thru the network get it on my CRTs. That's MY error. I thought the 'Groovy' was new and was unaware of ongoing projects like Groovy_Mame.
Not to play devil's advocate at all, but didn't the idea of running MAME on the Linux side (like ScummVM) ruffle some feathers or create debate? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that Groovy_MiSTer has us covered and is getting embraced by many here. I'm just curious if MAME on the linux side as just ANOTHER option would be a simpler solution for some?
I did read that Mednafen has benefits of save options, PC-FX and Virtual Boy, which is great for others, but not my interest. Retroarch may have some cores I'd have fun tinkering with...
MAME I'm very interested in here, though what would REALLY be great is if RetroNAS and Groovy_MiSTer could work together. I'd swap out my old laptop it's installed on for a newer mini-PC if it acted as both NAS and emulator powerhouse.
Daphne's successor 'Hypseus Singe' might also be a welcomed guest to the Groovy table: