Controllers, controllers, controllers...
Having just converted a Hori RAP4 to real Sanwa and Seimitsu parts (and Sega Astro City artwork!!), I thought all that was left for the best stick
was to update the internal board with a Brooks universal. In my mind, from there, I'd have maybe the best stick in terms of versatility on retro consoles and modern as well as MiSTer at the sacrifice of minimal lag where some magical 'direct' interface via jamma (or non-USB) would be more accurate and direct.
I finally got to looking at this input lag comparison chart:
...and was surprised to see the best of the best:
Device, Connection, Latency (in ms)
Buffalo - iBuffalo Classic Wired USB 0.69
THEN I saw:
bootsector - RetroPad32 Wired USB 0.711
MisterAddons - MiSTercade Wired USB 0.738
GamesCare - Multi Console Arcade Stick (Large) Wired USB 0.739
atrac17 + DJHardRich - RP2040 LS-30 Rotary Encoder Wired USB 0.747
DaemonBite - Genesis to USB Adapter Genesis 3 Button Controller
DaemonBite - Arcade Controller Wired USB 0.758
Brook - Universal Fighting Board [Wii U] Wired USB 0.767
I had previously thought that the Brooks universal was to be the gold standard. I then heard about GamesCare giving it a run for the money if not beating it. I saw it beat the Brooks in lag tests- THEN a YT comparison video had different lag results with rudimentary tests showing the Brooks beat it, but the GamesCare was 'no slouch' and the difference would go unnoticed. GamesCare's price is much better than Brooks here.
I thought a Jamma solution would be both more 'authentic' and basically lagless being directly wired and nothing lost from 'USB polling'. Imagine my surprise to see the RetroPad32 and iBuffalo 'beat' the jamma connection of a Mistercade [Granted, I and most people would not be able to notice such a tiny lag difference between 0.69 and 0.738].
What DOES beg the question then is for those of us that plan a Mister in an arcade cabinet: If custom building a cabinet JUST for Mister with ZERO plans for other arcade PCBs, is jamma even worth it? I think a cab where a Mister is easy to pull out and hook it up elsewhere is a plus.. but if I can also pull an arcade control panel as a USB controller on retro consoles, even better.
I'm currently thinking that if a GamesCare USB board and a MisterCade are identical in lag, (please no one argue a 0.001 lag difference), I'd rather spend $50 on a GamesCare board, and have it plug and play ready for a stick to be used on other systems.