OneLoad64 Games Collection v5 is here!
I recently released the OneLoad64 Games Collection v1.0 for the C64. Initially not all of the games included were working on the MiSTer, but a recent core update has addressed this. Therefore I thought some of you guys might be interested in taking a look.
The games in this collection load super-quick without any intros and such, making their use feel a little more like using cartridge images. It currently includes 520 unique games.
It contains a set of single-load games in PRG format, each of which has been dumped from an original image using the machine-code monitor in a C64 emulator. There's one PRG in the main folder to be used with emulators and the MiSTer for the quickest loading times, as well as the BackBit and Ultimate II on real hardware! There's also crunched versions of the games for use on real-hardware in conjunction with devices such as the EasyFlash, SD2IEC, Tapecart etc. If you're interested in some of the specifics, the details for each game dump can be found in an XML file in the Dumps folder along with each dump file. In this way, the project also serves to document the dumping process for future reference.
Here's a video of some of the games in action using the VICE C64 emulator (sadly I can't afford a MiSTer just yet). Download link included in the description:
Special thanks go out to the following people for their contributions and support:
karokin and Pezz82 for helping me track down the issues with the quick-loading PRGs on the C64 MiSTer core
Per Håkan Sundell for his CCS64 emulator
The VICE Team for their C64 emulator
Magnus Lind for his excellent Exomizer crunching tool
The Gamebase64 Team for providing many of the original game images
The Lemon64 Team for their comprehensive database
And here's the current list which should at least cover some of everybody's favourites. If you have any other single-load titles you'd like to see added in the next release, then just let me know!
Code: Select all
1. 10th Frame 177. First Strike 353. Panic Dizzy
2. 180 178. Fist II 354. Paperboy
3. 1942 179. Fist II - Tournament 355. Paradroid
4. 3-D Skramble 180. Fistplus 356. Paradroid - Competition Edition
5. 3D Pinball - Pinball Power 181. Flip and Flop 357. Paradroid - Metal Edition
6. 3D Pool 182. Flyer Fox 358. Parallax
7. 4th and Inches 183. Football Manager 359. Park Patrol
8. 720 Degrees 184. Footballer of the Year 360. Passing Shot
9. ATV Simulator 185. Footballer of the Year II 361. Peter Shilton's Handball Maradona
10. Acid Runner 186. Forbidden Forest 362. Pi R Squared
11. Action Biker 187. Fort Apocalypse 363. Pipe Mania
12. Addicta Ball 188. Frankenstein 364. Piracy
13. Advanced Pinball Simulator 189. Frantic Freddie 365. Pitfall
14. Airwolf 190. Frenzy 366. Pitfall II
15. Airwolf II 191. Frogger 367. Pitstop
16. Alleykat 192. Frogger 64 368. Pitstop II
17. American 3D Pool 193. Frogger II 369. Pogo Joe
18. Anarchy 194. Fruit Machine Simulator 370. Pole Position
19. Ancipital 195. Garfield - Big Fat Hairy Deal 371. Pooyan
20. Ant Attack 196. Gateway to Aphsai 372. Popeye
21. Arc of Yesod, The 197. Get Off my Garden! 373. Poster Paster
22. Arcade Classics 198. Ghettoblaster 374. Potty Pigeon
23. Arcadia 64 199. Ghostbusters 375. Power Drift
24. Archon 200. Ghosts'n Goblins 376. Powerplay Hockey
25. Archon II - Adept 201. Gordian Tomb 377. Pro Tennis Tour
26. Ardy The Aardvark 202. Great Escape, The 378. Pyjamarama!
27. Arkanoid 203. Great Giana Sisters, The 379. Quasimodo
28. Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh 204. Green Beret 380. Quedex
29. Army Moves (Side 1) 205. Gremlins 381. RISK
30. Army Moves (Side 2) 206. Gribbly's Day Out 382. Raid on Bungeling Bay
31. Arnie 207. Gridder 383. Raid over Moscow
32. Artillery Duel 208. Gridrunner 384. Rainbow Walker
33. Asterix and the Magic Cauldron 209. Guardian 385. Rally Speedway
34. Attack of the Mutant Camels 210. Guardian II 386. Rambo - First Blood Part II
35. Auf Wiedersehen Monty 211. Gumshoe 387. Ranarama
36. Auto Mania 212. Gyroscope 388. Re-Bounder
37. Avenger 213. HERO 389. Repton
38. Aztec Challenge 214. Hacker II 390. Repton 3
39. BC II - Grog's Revenge 215. Hard Hat Mack 391. Rescue on Fractalus
40. BC's Quest For Tires 216. Hard'n'Heavy 392. Revenge of the Mutant Camels
41. BMX Simulator 217. HardBall! 393. Rick Dangerous
42. BMX Simulator II (Expert) 218. Harrier Attack 394. River Raid
43. BMX Simulator II (Standard) 219. Hat Trick 395. Robin of the Wood
44. Bagitman 220. Head Over Heels 396. Rock n'Bolt
45. Ball-Blasta 221. Heartland 397. Rock'n Wrestle
46. Ballblazer 222. Heavenbound 398. Rocket Ball
47. Bandits 223. Helikopter Jagd 399. Rocky Horror Show, The
48. Barbarian (Side 1) 224. Hellhole 400. Roland's Ratrace
49. Barbarian (Side 2) 225. Henry's House 401. RollerBall
50. Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing 226. Herobotix 402. Saboteur
51. Batalyx 227. Highnoon 403. Saboteur II
52. Battle Ships 228. Highway Encounter 404. Sabre Wulf
53. Battle Through Time 229. Hobbit, The 405. Sacred Armour of Antiriad, The
54. Battle Valley 230. Hoppin' Mad 406. Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo
55. Batty 231. Horace Goes Skiing 407. Sanxion
56. Beach-Head 232. Hover Bovver 408. Savage Pond
57. Beach-Head II 233. Human Race, The 409. Scorpius
58. Beamrider 234. Hunchback 410. Scuba Dive
59. Big Mac 235. Hunchback II 411. Sensitive
60. Biggles (Side 1) 236. Hunter's Moon 412. Sentinel
61. Biggles (Side 2) 237. Hustler 413. Sentinel, The
62. Bird Mother 238. Hyber Blob 414. Shadowfire
63. Blackwyche 239. Hypa-Ball 415. Shamus
64. Blagger 240. Hyper Active 416. Shamus Case II
65. Blagger Goes to Hollywood 241. Hyper Sports 417. Sheep in Space
66. Blasteroids 242. Hysteria 418. Shogun
67. Blue Max 243. I Ball 419. Sigma Seven
68. Blue Max 2001 244. I Ball II 420. Silkworm
69. Bobby Bearing 245. IK+ 421. Siren City
70. Bomb Jack 246. IO - Into Oblivion 422. Skate Crazy
71. Bomb Jack II 247. Ikari Warriors 423. SkateRock
72. Bomb Uzal 248. Imhotep 424. Skool Daze
73. Bomber 249. Impossible Mission 425. Skramble
74. Bombo 250. Infernal Runner 426. Slap Fight
75. Booga-Boo the Flea 251. Inside Outing 427. Slapshot
76. Booty 252. Intensity 428. Slayer
77. Boulder Dash 253. International 3D Tennis 429. Slinky
78. Boulder Dash II - Rockford's Revenge 254. International Basketball 430. Slurpy
79. Boulder Dash III 255. International Karate (Side 1) 431. Soldier One
80. Bounces 256. International Karate (Side 2) 432. Solomon's Key
81. Bounder 257. International Tennis 433. Son of Blagger
82. Bounty Bob Strikes Back 258. Into the Eagle's Nest 434. Sorcery
83. Breaker 259. Iridis Alpha 435. Space-Pilot
84. Bruce Lee 260. Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off-Road 436. Space-Pilot II
85. Bubble Bobble 261. Jack the Nipper 437. Speed King
86. Bubble Dizzy 262. Jack the Nipper II 438. Speedball
87. Buggy Boy 263. Jet Set Willy 439. Speedball II
88. CJ in the USA 264. Jet Set Willy II 440. Spellbound Dizzy
89. CJ's Elephant Antics 265. Joe Blade 441. Spikey in Transylvania
90. Camelot Warriors 266. Joe Blade II 442. Spindizzy
91. Captain Kidd 267. Juice! 443. Spitfire '40
92. Captured 268. Jumpin Jack 444. Splat!
93. Carnage 269. Jumpman Junior 445. Split Personalities
94. Castle Master 270. Kamikaze 446. Spore
95. Castle Master II - The Crypt 271. Kane 447. Spy vs Spy
96. Cauldron 272. Kane II 448. Spy vs Spy II
97. Cauldron II 273. Kikstart 449. Spy vs Spy III
98. Cavelon 274. Kikstart II 450. Squirm
99. Cavelon II 275. Krakout 451. Squish 'em
100. Caverns of Eriban, The 276. Krystals of Zong 452. Staff of Karnath, The
101. Chiller 277. Kung-Fu Master 453. Star League Baseball
102. China Miner 278. Kwik Snax 454. Star Paws
103. Choplifter 279. LED Storm 455. Star Raiders II
104. Chopper 280. Last V8, The 456. Star Wars
105. Chuckie Egg 281. Lazy Jones 457. Starglider
106. Chuckie Egg II 282. Legend of Sinbad, The 458. Starquake
107. Citadel 283. Licence to Kill 459. Steel
108. Cloud Kingdoms 284. Lightforce 460. Stellar 7
109. Comic Bakery 285. Little Computer People 461. Stix
110. Commando 286. Little Puff in Dragonland 462. Storm
111. Confuzion 287. Loco 463. Stormlord
112. Congo Bongo 288. Lonely Rider 464. Stratego
113. Cosmic Causeway 289. Loopz 465. Street Hassle
114. Cosmic Tunnels, The 290. Lords of Midnight 466. Stunt Car Racer
115. Crazy Comets 291. Mad Doctor 467. Stuntman Seymour
116. Critical Mass 292. Madness 468. Suicide Express
117. Crystal Kingdom Dizzy 293. Magicland Dizzy 469. Super Pipeline
118. Cyberdyne Warrior 294. Mancopter 470. Super Pipeline II
119. Cybernoid 295. Manic Miner 471. Super Robin Hood
120. Cybernoid II 296. Marauder 472. Super Scramble Simulator
121. Daley Thompson's Decathlon 297. Master of Magic, The 473. Superstar Ping-Pong
122. Daley Thompson's Super-Test 298. Master of the Lamps 474. TRAZ
123. Dam Busters, The 299. Match Day 475. Tapper
124. Dan Dare 300. Match Day II 476. Tau Ceti
125. Dan Dare II 301. Match Point 477. Tazz
126. Dan Dare III 302. Matrix 478. Terra Cresta
127. Dark Side 303. Mega Phoenix 479. Terror of the Deep
128. David's Midnight Magic 304. Mega-Apocalypse 480. Tetris
129. Decathlon 305. Mercenary - Escape from Targ 481. Theatre Europe
130. Deflektor 306. Mercenary - The Second City 482. Thing Bounces Back
131. Delta 307. Mickey Mouse 483. Thing on a Spring
132. Demon's Kiss 308. Microdot 484. Through the Trapdoor
133. Desert Fox 309. Microprose Soccer (Indoor) 485. Thrust
134. Desert Hawk 310. Microprose Soccer (Outdoor) 486. Thrust II
135. Detective Game, The 311. Mighty Bombjack 487. Time Machine
136. Dig Dug 312. Mikie 488. Tir Na Nog
137. Dino Eggs 313. Milk Race 489. Titanic Blinky
138. Dizasterblaster 314. Miner 2049'er 490. Tomahawk
139. Dizzy 315. Mission AD 491. Total Eclipse
140. Dizzy - Down the Rapids 316. Mission Elevator 492. Total Eclipse II
141. Dizzy - Prince of the Yolkfolk! 317. Molecule Man 493. Toy Bizarre
142. Donald Duck's Playground 318. Monopoly Deluxe 494. Track and Field
143. Donkey Kong 319. Monte Carlo Casino 495. Tracksuit Manager
144. Doomdark's Revenge 320. Montezuma's Revenge 496. Traffic
145. Doriath 321. Monty Mole 497. Trailblazer
146. Draconus 322. Monty on the Run 498. Trap
147. Dragon Skulle 323. Moon Cresta 499. Trap Door, The
148. Dragon's Kingdom 324. Motos 500. Trashman
149. Dream Warrior 325. Mountie Mick's Death Ride 501. Treasure Island
150. Drelbs 326. Mr Robot and his Robot Factory 502. Treasure Island Dizzy
151. Driller 327. Mr. Do! 503. Trollie Wallie
152. Drol 328. Mutant Monty 504. Trolls and Tribulations
153. Dropzone 329. Nebulus 505. Tunnel Vision
154. Druid 330. Nemesis 506. Uchi Mata
155. Eagle Empire 331. Neptune's Daughters 507. Uridium
156. Eagles 332. Netherworld 508. Vampire
157. Eliminator 333. Night Mission Pinball 509. Vindicators
158. Elite 334. Night Racer 510. Voidrunner
159. Emlyn Hughes International Soccer 335. Night Shade (Colour) 511. Volfied
160. Empire 336. Night Shade (Mono) 512. Vortex Raider
161. Empire Strikes Back, The 337. Ninja 513. Wacky Darts
162. Encounter 338. Ninja Commando 514. Warlock - The Avenger
163. Enigma Force 339. Nodes of Yesod 515. Waterline
164. Enlightenment - Druid II 340. Nosferatu the Vampyre 516. Waterpolo
165. Entombed 341. O'Riley's Mine 517. Wavy Navy
166. Erebus 342. Octapolis 518. Way of the Exploding Fist, The
167. Everyone's a Wally 343. Oils Well 519. Who Dares Wins II
168. Exile 344. Olympic Skier 520. Wizardry
169. Express Raider 345. One Man and his Droid 521. Wizball
170. Fairlight 346. One on One 522. Wonderboy
171. Falcon Patrol 347. Operation Wolf 523. Yie Ar Kung-Fu
172. Falcon Patrol II 348. Orc Attack 524. Yie Ar Kung-Fu II
173. Fantasy World Dizzy 349. Outlaws 525. Zamzara
174. Feud 350. PC Fuzz 526. Zenji
175. Fighting Warrior 351. POD 527. Zorro
176. Firelord 352. Pac-Mania 528. Zynaps