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Two buttons, same action

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:17 pm
by pac
Long time lurker here - Pretty happy with the 8bitdo M30 pad, plus the rapid-fire option is a great addition for shmups. As some games like R-Type, Pulstar, ... require button-mashing for rapid fire and holding the button down for charging - is there any way to assign a button (e.g. NeoGeo "A") to two different physical buttons (e.g. "A" and "X" on the M30)? This way "X" could be rapid-fire enabled via the pad`s functionality while still keeping the option to hold down "A" for charging.

Re: Two buttons, same action

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:32 pm
by pac always - right after posting I remember having never used the alternative buttons-setup. Well, pretty much exactly what I was looking for, case closed :-)