Why I love MiSTer
Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:55 pm
This is why I love MiSTer (in relation to this core):
- The frame rate of the Spectrum core is the same as that of the original computer. This completely eliminates tearing and stuttering.
- Latency! It is extremely low. I made this program (.tap version here):
Press 5, 6, t, y, g, h, v or b to exit. Press any other key to emit a click, paying attention to the mechanical noise done by the keyboard while you hit the key, compared to the clicking sound emitted by the speakers. In a software emulator, you can easily hear the difference in timing; in MiSTer I was unable to hear any. The normal keyclick has a variable latency of up to 20 ms which can be heard, that's why I made this program.
For the curious, here's the assembler code of the DATA lines:
- The frame rate of the Spectrum core is the same as that of the original computer. This completely eliminates tearing and stuttering.
- Latency! It is extremely low. I made this program (.tap version here):
Code: Select all
10 CLEAR 39999: RESTORE : FOR n=40001 TO 40037: READ a: POKE n,a: NEXT n
20 DATA 243,33,64,156,62,31,119,175,219,254,230,31,190,119,62,0,40,-11
30 DATA 62,24,211,254,6,0,16,-2,62,7,211,254,126,254,15,32,-28,251,201
For the curious, here's the assembler code of the DATA lines:
Code: Select all
ld hl,40000
ld a,31
ld (hl),a
xor a
in a,(254)
and 31
cp (hl)
ld (hl),a
ld a,0
jr z,MainLoop
ld a,24
out (254),a
ld b,0
djnz delay
ld a,7
out (254),a
ld a,(hl)
cp 15
jr nz,MainLoop