I had a problem with the ROMs and couldn't find the Darksoft ROM rollup-pack. The NeoGeo core would show 000-lo.lo loading and nothing else. It had me puzzled completely for a while. Yesterday after several weeks of playing with this I figured out what the problem was. The MAME ROM's that I had were not in the correct format. I found the following python scripts in GitHub that would allow me to do the conversion:-
Many thanks to Alan P fro posting this.
I copied the two python files generator.py and get_hash.py into the same directory as the MAME ROM zip files on my Mac. I then put together the following command to process all the .zip files.
Code: Select all
for file in ` ls *.zip`; do unzip $file; python3 generator.py ; cd export ; zip ../../$file ./*; cd ..; rm -rf export; for rom in `ls | egrep -v 'zip|py'`; do rm $rom; done; done
This didn't work because the generator.py script asks for the user to "press a key to continue. Using your favourite editor comment out the last lines of generator.py so that it doesn't do this.
Code: Select all
# Launch /!\
print (sys.exc_info()[0])
print('job done, press a key to exit...')
Code: Select all
# Launch /!\
print (sys.exc_info()[0])
#print('job done, press a key to exit...')
Run the command and it will pack and zip up all the ROM files in to the Darksoft format.
Copy them over to the Mister and load the NeoGeo core. If all goes well these ROMs should work. Well they did for me. I now need a larger SD-RAM card so that I can run all the games.