Hey all! I just got a pre-configured MiSTer this week, and been having a blast since.
Because I use a pc vga monitor (31khz), i opted to use the scandoubler feature through the io board of MiSTer. (forced_scandoubler=1)
I prefer this setup over using vga scaler or hdmi out for numerous reasons, but there is 1 thing that I noticed.
All the cores I've tried have Scandoubler Fx feature in their OSD (25%, 50%, 75%) which darkens every other line to basically make line-doubled images to look like a native 240p scanlined image on PVMs. However, there is no 100% option that allows vga users to recreate a "full scanline effect" like the OSSC does with its line-doubling feature. (https://youtu.be/iLkN2AZLBMA?t=143 Effect shown by retroRGB)
Is there a reason why 100% is omitted from Scandoubler Fx? it would be hugely appreciated by people like me who are using pc VGA monitors.