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MiSTer integrated into computer / power question

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 5:27 am
by CalmLlama

I'm setting up my first MiSTer build inside the case of my new computer, and I was looking at ways to power the device. I had two ideas, and I would appreciate some feedback.

1. Could run it off of my power supply inside the computer. (a sata or molex to barrel adapter)
2. Can I run it off of USB power (internal USB hub with sata power, usb to barrel adapter)

Thanks for your input.

Re: MiSTer integrated into computer / power question

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 4:08 am
by grizzly
1, Absolutely! Just make sure to use the right wires, as in use 5V (Red) and NOT 12V (Yellow).
2, Maybe! Depends on how much power you can safely draw from a usb/internal usb port, can change depending on motherboards/an when they where made.
But older usb 1/2 ports are often limited too 500mA, early usb3 ports is often 900mA, and then there are often specific "charging ports" on a bit never motherboards that started a while after usb3 was starting to get used and they are often 1500mA or 1,5A.
Higher end motherboards did often up that a bit to 2000mA/2A.
USB3,1=1500mA/1,5A, USB-C=3000mA/3A or 5000mA/5A BUT at 20V (so no good for the mister).

And the "charging port" does in many cases need drivers installed in windows (do not know if linux/etc ones exists) and "activated" to get more then 500mA, one board i had the "activation" turned of after 3 hours i think it was (never used it so never really looked at it).

The power brick that comes with the DE-10 nano is 5V/2A and do work.
BUT after adding SDRAM/usbhub/wifi/maybe dongels for a keyboard and a controller then the 2A is not enough anymore, sure it works for some but strange bugs/etc can creep up because the FPGA does run on too little power.

So 3A-4A is recommended!
And then USB is not that good of a option anymore since not many usb ports can manage over 2A.

It sounds like you will have a computer and the mister in the same case and sharing a PSU is that right?
If yes then there are more questions/tips here!
1, Depending on powersupply if going the sata/molex way and motherboard+PSU if going the usb way.
You could maybe power the mister without turning on the computer, first and foremost it depends on how high standby-power your PSU can deliver.
Not really sure here but i think over 2A is very unusual, secondly if going usb way how much the motherboard can deliver trough ports/charging ports when off, again probably unusual with higher then 1-2A.

2, You will most likely need a powerswitch on the 5V line going to the mister (or unplug/plugin all the time) since it will have 5V on it all the time even if the computer is off, standbypower 5V that is and is a big chance that it will be too low A to run the mister fully.
So you will probably need a cable going out to a switch then in to the computer case again, or make a spot/hole/etc where a switch can be mounted and operated from the outside.

3, I have read that running the mister on too low power can damage the FPGA in the long run, if that is true or not i do not know, but why change it?

4, Is other people going to use the computer/mister?
If yes then it will probably be a good idé to idiot proof it someway, how i do not know since i´m not stupid enough to come up with all situations a moron can get himself in :mrgreen: