Rom Index - Standard list for 'usual' things

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Rom Index - Standard list for 'usual' things

Unread post by macro »

Some MRA's have had rom indexes duplicated since they vary from core to core

maybe we need some index names for common things to make life easier, at the moment we all just start at 0 and work up as we add things

so something like (and what number it normally uses AFAIK, although numbers could be anything, but 0 and 1 are pretty standard (and hiscore defaults to 3 & 4)

0 : mainrom
1 : gameID
2 : Background
3 : HiScoreInfo
4 : HiScoreData
5 : SampleInfo
6 : SampleData

not sure if any other games split program roms / video roms so may need extending like ...

7 : soundrom
8 : videorom

anything I have missed ?

or just a post somewhere with "standard IDs" - would make copying and pasting stuff between MRA files easier
Did I do something useful?

buy me a coffee
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