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No Internet connection when running update script for first time

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:07 pm
by lcompx
I'm trying to get my first mister setup going. Everything seems to be working but I can't run the update script; I always just get "no internet connection press any button to continue. I have confirmed that my connection is working for everything else. The same cable, lan port, etc. works w/o issue for xbox, playstation, etc. I tried 2 different sd cards with 2 different fresh installs created using the Mister SD card utility from the mister-devel/main_mister setup guide but always have the same issue. Thanks for any help.

Re: No Internet connection when running update script for first time

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:51 am
by Locutus73
Is your MiSTer actually connected to the Internet?
Can you ping Google or GitHub using the framebuffer terminal?
Can you see the current date/time in the main menu?


Re: No Internet connection when running update script for first time

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:49 pm
by Spunkworks
locate the file linux/_wpa_supplicant.conf (example: /media/fat/linux/_wpa_supplicant.conf)
open in text editor supporting Linux/Unix line endings (for example Notepad++)
replace put_your_SSID_here with your actual WiFi network name and put_your_password_here with your WiFi password.
sometimes you need to change the country code from TW to yours.
rename _wpa_supplicant.conf to wpa_supplicant.conf
reboot the MiSTer

Re: No Internet connection when running update script for first time

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:47 pm
by aberu
You need to identify the problem prior to troubleshooting, as this will rule out what you need to look for.

1. Connect a keyboard to your MiSTer and press F9 key to open the linux prompt up.

2. type "ip address show". What does that give you? If it has an address like then it does not have a valid IP configuration, this is an APIPA address and nothing will resolve like that. If there is no IP address, then your cable, switch, ethernet port, and anything else connecting could be the reason.

3. If it does have an ip address, can you ping the mister from another device on your network? If so, then it doesn't have access going out. If you can't, then it could be on the wrong network (wifi?), etc...

4. If it doesn't have access going outside of your network, but it can go in, then it could be a number of things:

a. DNS misconfigured either on the MiSTer or in your network somehow

b. Firewall on your router or in your network not allowing it to go out to the internet.

c. another device on your network has the same IP address for some reason, and this is taking priority over your MiSTer (DHCP server problem? or typical home setup does not have a DHCP server so could be you running out of DHCP slots on a low-IQ router :P ).