Another way around the relatively poor analog sound is to use a Toslink cable to haul the I/O to a receiver or DAC. This is how I do it, and everything sounds splendid.
Apparently the sound can be a little nicer if you set hdmi_audio_96k=1 in the INI. This also applies to the Toslink ports. I guess it improves quality somewhat with cores that use really oddball sampling rates. Almost any receiver can handle this signal; standalone DACs might or might not.
Using the HDMI sound will also work, but that tends to get interrupted when the Mister changes video modes, which happens a lot. The digital-audio-only Toslink port will continue to play smoothly while the monitor figures out what the heck is going on with the new signal.
If you hunt Craigslist, at least if you're in the US, you can get old Denon receivers pretty cheap. They make good quality gear, and anything made since like 2005 should handle a 96K Toslink connection. I got the one I'm using now (a 1909) for $100, and it sounds phenomenal. Just make sure it still comes with the remote, you'll want that. You can typically do anything with the front panel, but it's harder.