Hi there,
My ram suddenly stopped working and now I have the exactly same symptoms as GuruMeditation on his topic (viewtopic.php?t=3353).
I contacted the terrasic support to try to solve this problem. They asked me to measure the voltage junction for each GPIO Pin between 1 to 36. The procedure is this one :
Please make sure the board is powered off, set the switch of multimeter to the diode lable position, red probe connect to GND, black probe connect to I/O pins. Pay attention to the power pins, don't touch them.
FYI, the standard value of a junction is 0.375V.
I found out that the JP1 9th pin has 0.153V. This pin is the GPIO_0_D8 also AF4 on the CYCLONE V SoC BANK 3. I'm still waiting to go further in the support investigation but since the GPIO is directly connected to the SOC, I fear that my JP1 connector is not usable in its current state.
Since there is a dual RAM feature/configuration, is there any way to use the JP7 instead of the JP1 or it is mandatory to have JP1 populated before using JP7?
Since it's not a standard feature I guess it could be a lot of work to do this even impossible but it could give another chance to some boards here (like GuruMediation's).
Anyway, thanks for all your work here!
Have a nice day!