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Resolution questions

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:56 am
by scrdcow
Hi! I hope this is the right place to ask and that my questions are not unfounded or was to easy to find answers for.
I've looked at the faq and wiki-page, atleast.

I got a benq th685 1080p projector (that can handle 4k by downscaling). It has low-latency (8.3ms!) fast mode that only works in 1080p 60/120hz. I want to use this ofcourse and try to maximize quality from the cores. So I need to know if there will be any problems with any specific core and how well stuff can get upscaled if needed (to maximize surface area without loosing to much quality or latency).

I wonder what is the maximum resolution the mister can handle. Can it output 4k for ex?
Can each core set their own respective resolution? And is that usually needed to get optimal surface area without loosing quality (by scaling and not only scandoubling for ex). I know that not every resolution will fit well with 1080p.
Are there anly problematic cores that will not be decent on 1080p 60hz output? Any 50hz only cores for ex?

Anything else to think about?

And I last question, if I plan to also output analog for a CRT and have it connected at the same time as the projector. Can you set diferent resolutions depending on output and is the mister handling this without the need to change settings everytime you switch output? Can it output to both at the same time?

Thank you :-)

Re: Resolution questions

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:26 pm
by Sigismond0
This should probably be in display devices, not input devices. Short answer is that 1920x1440 or 2048x1536 is a pretty hard upper limit for what you can do on MiSTer.

A 1080p60 projector should be more than happy with MiSTer's output. If you find that any cores are out of sync-able range, you just need to modify the vsync_adjust value in your ini to a more compatible value. No cores will have "issues" with 1080p resolution, other than how much border there is. I think there may be some 50hz only computer cores maybe, but AFAIK all console cores available right now have 60hz NTSC support. You just might have trouble running PAL games on them.

Dual output uses completely separate resolutions. HDMI out will use whatever resolution you set it up to. Analog out will use whatever the console's native reoslution is (typically some variant of 240p). They both work at the same time, and you don't need to change any settings to make them work together.

Re: Resolution questions

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:12 am
by scrdcow
Awesome! Everything seem to be the way I thought it would, great! I guess I posted in display devices, but maybe my tired brain failed :-) Now i'm sold! Thanks.