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Issue with Battle Bakraid

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 5:33 am
by Tarkus1984

I'm having a weird issue with the Battle Bakraid core. Any comments, tips, similar stories, etc will be appreciated.

After about an hour of playing the game without any issues, I left it running on the start screen/demo mode for about 30 minutes. When I came back to continue playing, I noticed a few visual glitches (see attached photo). I reset the game and she same glitches appeared. Loaded other games without issues and later came back to Bakraid. This time, the game would get stuck on the boot up screen with a "68K ROM0 BAD" message (see attached photo). I tested multiple other games again, including the rest of the Raizing shooters without an issue, until I got to Battle Garegga which also got stuck on the ROM/RAM check screen. At this point, I switched cores and tested Neo Geo and PS1 games without a problem. In my mind, this ruled out any potential issues with the SDRAM and the hardware in general.

I then swapped micro SD cards and inserted the one the came with the Mister from Misteraddons. Fortunately, Bakraid and any other game I fired up worked as normal (except some weird issues with button mapping only with Raizing shooters). I switched back to the other micro SD and tried Bakraid again and I got the same visual glitches, only this time at about halfway of stage one, the music stopped and then the game froze with a long error message on screen (see attached photo). Any other game I tried worked without issues.

This problem seems to be isolated exclusively to Bakraid and I cannot figure out what could have happened as my earlier play session went without a hitch.

For additional context, the past couple of weeks have been really hot where I live - tonight I got 86F degrees in the game room (I just have a fan, no AC) and the Mister case felt toastier than normal, but not to the point of me not being able to manipulate it while changing micro SD. Could the micro SD have overheated and somehow gotten damaged? I cannot really think of anything else given the testing I did.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to further isolate the problem, please let me know. I will appreciate it.

Re: Issue with Battle Bakraid

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:00 am
by atrac17

You've already got it figured out. It's heat related, figure out how to cool your DE-10. Heatsink, fan etc.