can't speak for anyone else but from where I'm coming from:
1- not attacking any devs. grateful for any and all efforts. Even ones that don't pan out into deliverables.
2- not questioning anyone's skills. particularly not atrac17's.. and I don't mean to make this an atrac17 vs Jotego type discussion either. Don't see the point and have no idea the ramifications of what's involved to get it working on MiSter. Also think it's silly to compare 'well 64 can do it on one' armchair reverse engineer type stuff, considering that core, while impressive, is still in a very early phase. There are new milestones that have been hit in just the past days from a cursory glance, but it aint over until the fat lady sings.
3- not having any sort of stroke lol, I have a lot of console MK ports already, including the ps3 collection which is superb and one of the best, but would I like a near-100% cycle accurate version of the iconic title? Sure would.
...I think from re-configuring everything for one title is probably a fool's errand in the end, even if it's a big one from my childhood.
I forget easily how long this current set up I have took to piece meal, since it wasn't something I hunkered down for all at once and upgraded as I went. Started with de10-nano (before price surges a couple years later, for $110 or whatever it was during pandemic) and an open Etsy wood case and 128m and external usb hub as was off to the races.
Over slowly upgraded, adding analog io + Antonio Vilena s-video adapter to use with my CRT.
Then mister ultimate case and internal powered usb hub combo.
Then most recently a usb-wifi stick off amazon.
Recently mister has been tethered to my OLED 4k hdtv again, but I love the versatility when I feel like getting a more 'authentic' experience.
Plus doing nothing additional, costs me $0 / 0 min of time. And that is always attractive
All that said, I find this an interesting discussion and hope to see it continue amicably!