Converting EEP and SRM Saves to .sav
What is the best way to convert saves from my original carts dumped using the sanni cart reader to the .sav files the N64 core uses?
The online community for MiSTer FPGA enthusiasts
What is the best way to convert saves from my original carts dumped using the sanni cart reader to the .sav files the N64 core uses?
I converted a eep file by just renaming it.
Check the file sizes: if it's 512bytes or 2048bytes, you can just rename because it's the pure data.
Be aware that the core currently only supports EEPROM saves, no SRAM or Flash. So if you have bigger save files those are likely not EEPROM and you need to wait for the core to support them.
I'm attempting to copy my Dr. Mario 64 file from my N64's Everdrive X7 to the MiSTer N64 core. The original file is called Dr. Mario 64 (USA).eep and 512 bytes in size. I've renamed it to Dr. Mario 64 (USA).sav and placed it in MiSTer's saves\N64 folder. The ROM name is exactly the same as the save file's name but the save isn't being recognised in game. Any ideas?
I have everything on a NAS if that makes a difference. Other cores have save files successfully saved and loaded from the saves folder on the NAS.