out of sync on amiga and atari st cores

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out of sync on amiga and atari st cores

Unread post by metalfacemark »

Im having a bit of a problem with atari st and amiga cores - when i load them up they say they are out of sync.

I thought it was not using a scandoubler that was the problem but when i put that on it still happens.

When i dont have the scandoubler on my x68000 core works perfectly on the display, when i put it on it messes it up.

I have a phillips brilliance 109p

https://www.manualslib.com/manual/12336 ... e=2#manual

What settings should i be using for amiga/st ?

Edit - i found what was wrong, i was using too low a resolution and needed scandoubler on but i see i can turn that off for the x68000 core so all working now.

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Re: out of sync on amiga and atari st cores

Unread post by FoxbatStargazer »

Looks like a VGA monitor you got there. Most cores on Mister focus on 15khz analog output, including the most common modes on the amiga/ST, you will need the scandoubler to bring that up to 31khz to be displayed on a VGA monitor.

x68000 is an unusual core in that software typically starts at 512p/55hz which seems to be 31khz-ish. Most VGA monitors can show it without scandoubler, and adding scandoubler might actually mess you up. You will have trouble if you boot into a game with a 15khz mode though.

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