Hi I’d like to request a feature:
My rgb modded nes has the ability to separate the sound channels into sudo stereo were it sends some of the voices off the cpu to one channel and the rest to the other.
I very much prefer this sudo stereo sound vs the mono and it adds a lot of dimension to the music.
It seems pretty simple how it’s achieving this as from what I understand the voices are on separate pins on the cpu. So I’m hoping it would be pretty easy to replicate this option in mister.
Unless it’s already implemented and I’m missing it in the menu somehow. I only see a way to hear expansion audio and/or internal. Ideally I’d like a way to turn sudo stereo on/off, and control the degree of the mix from full separation and maybe 50/50 etc.
From a different forum post:
“The NES CPU generates square and triangle waves separately through pins 1 and 2, and somewhere along the motherboard there's circuitry that blends them together into the mono sound of the stock RCA jack (or coaxial.) There are old hacks out there you can implement to circumvent the NESRGB audio circuitry entirely and even incorporate a potentiometer to mix the two separate channels together for a pseudo stereo effect”
This person goes on to say most ppl leave it on mono, but I strongly disagree. I pretty much always use the stereo mode.