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BBC core *SAVE / *LOAD commands not working? - SOLVED

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:40 pm
by emiliom

Do the *SAVE and *LOAD commands not work properly on the BBC core? I was just experimenting and I can't get them to work at all.

If for example I try:

*SAVE "TEST" 19968 22528

...that works. I get a file. If I then try and load it using either:

*LOAD "TEST" 19968

...neither work. The system just hangs.

I thought maybe I was misunderstanding the Disc System User Guide, so I tried:

*SAVE "TEST" 19968 2512

...but I just get a Disc Full error. In fact any value less than the starting address results in 'Disc Full', including:

*SAVE "TEST" 19968 2

I'm pretty sure there's at least 2 bytes left on the disc! So I can't get it working with either start/end addresses or start address/length.
Am I doing something wrong?

Re: BBC core *SAVE / *LOAD commands not working? - SOLVED

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:44 pm
by emiliom

DOH! Hex...

I was putting in an & and getting an error so I used decimal.