N64 SNAC Phantom Input Issue
Good day all and thank you for taking a moment to ready this.
My issue is that I recently bought an N64 SNAC adapter and I get phantom input even with the controller at rest. I am using a 6.1 I/O board. I tried the IO jumper set to both 3.3v and I/O. I am using the latest N64 core build that has the memory fix for Conker and other games. I have tried both a first party N64 controller with a Gamecube analog stick and a third party controller (blue Tomee controller). The phantom input includes analog stick twitches, and other random button presses. I do not see this issue with other SNAC adapters on other cores. Any thoughts, guidance, or constructive guesses would be welcome and appreciated.
This is the adapter I bought - https://www.ebay.com/itm/325977250558