I have done a Minimig (MisterFPGA) setup specifically to launch CD32 games and it is assembled as follow:
- A1200 config (AGA/2M Chip / 0 Mb Fast / 0 Slow)
- KS 3.1 A1200 (40.68)
- WB 3.1 original
- IdeFix97 (from Aminet)
- PS3 DualShock joypad (Sony original)
Everything works quite well except I can't remap the CD32 [L]/[R] triggers (among other buttons) to the PS3 ones. I have tried multiple times following the procedure in the MiniMig menu but they are simply ignored. This is an issue for example with Pinball Fantasies where I can't switch between the two table menus or simply select the lower table because the "X" button does not map to CD32 [RED].
At first I thought it was a lowlevel.library problem since the "Initialize" button in CD32 emulator reports the library was not found, so I copied it from LIBS: to the CD32 Idefix emulator folder, same result.
The joypad itself works like a charm with other cores (buttons assigned and recognized) like PSX and SNES but not on the MiniMig.
Am I missing some steps?
Many thanks in advance...