Hello. I just got a qmtech board and I did install mister fusion and then I did the update all script.
It downloaded some of the Bios roms, but not all of them and many systems gave me corruptions or do not run at all.
I did a fresh install on a small sd card today, but now it can not fetch any bios files.
After getting some bios files from the internet I could fix all but GBA, PSX, NES. GBA and PSX show me the boot screen in a currupted way. NES does not like FDS games and many mappers seem to be broken like MMC3 for example.
Is there a dat file to compare my roms with the ones needed for mister?
I did do another fresh install. No changes. I can play arcade cores that need the sd ram all day long and it passes at 160mhz
Now I picked some older cores from the github pages, but still the same. It must be the bios files or some general system corruption.