Hi, I have a RetroCastle MiSTer that has the analog I/O board from 2024. I can get video from the analog board into any CRT I throw at it without issue. I'm doing some tinkering and trying to do direct video straight from the DE-10 Nano board using a cheap Rankie HDMI to VGA DAC and i can get video on one CRT but not the other. Both are consumer 15 kHz TVs that have been RGB modded, one with a VGA port (RGBs) and the other using a SCART with Sunthar's custom PCB board. The VGA port TV does direct video without issue, but the TV with SCART has no display whatsoever. Only the Video 1 display in the top corner.
I use the exact same ini settings for both TVs which are stock ini except for:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.