Page 1 of 1 causes bluetooth and network connection delays

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 12:26 pm
by Bewl

Hi All,

New to Mister and loving it, did know there was an actual forum, I had been using the subreddit ;)

Anyways, I've recently purchased a Mister Pi and not sure if this is just related to the Mister Pi or Mister in general.

I have the BT+AC600 Bluetooth and WiFi combi USB adaptor. My Mister is connected via ethernet so I haven't set up the WiFi connection and I'm connecting a PS4 controller and 8BitDo Pro 2 via Bluetooth.

From cold boot, the following connection times shown in the OSD are:
Bluetooth: 3 seconds
Ethernet: 15 seconds.

As soon as I run the following times from cold boot are now:
Bluetooth: 30 seconds
Ethernet: 45 seconds.
I have WAIT_FOR_SERVER set to "true".

The only way I have been able to restore my bluetooth and ethernet connection times is to run the cifs_unmount script and to make sure the scripts are also removed from /etc/network/if-up.d and /etc/network/if-down.d

Does anyone what could be causing this? I'm guessing there's a priority in the way things are connected, I'm guessing the cifs mount is now more of a priority? If so is there a way to make bluetooth and my network connect beforehand and then try to mount cifs as the very last task?

Re: causes bluetooth and network connection delays

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 3:09 pm
by enzo

Similar issue (not quite the same) with on github: ... /issues/88

For some wifi chipsets, entirely stops wifi from working when the startup options are set to true. So there is something strange about that if-up.d script if it's so sensitive to chipset behavior.

But per your post, you (1) have a known-good wifi dongle (AC600) and (2) use ethernet, not wifi, for network. Plus, your network comes up eventually -- I have the issue seen on Github, and my network never comes up at all.

I still feel like it's probably related somehow. What happens if you unplug the wifi/BT adapter? Maybe it'll behave better with just the ethernet adapter available.

Re: causes bluetooth and network connection delays

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 8:00 am
by rsn8887

I noticed the same problem on my MiSTer PI. If I use the cifs_mount script with WAIT_FOR_SERVER="true" and MOUNT_AT_BOOT="true", WIFI takes forever to start, and sometimes doesn't start at all (the WIFI icon never appears in the main menu, and I have to reboot). Without the cifs_mount, WIFI works fine.

I stopped using cifs_mount because of this issue.

Re: causes bluetooth and network connection delays

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 11:09 am
by Bewl

Apologies for the delay, been away for a few days and then been trying to investigate things.

The only solution I've been able to find in order to speed things up, is by assigning a static IP to my Mister.