Saving games to a floppy disk

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Saving games to a floppy disk

Unread post by vampsthevampyre »


I'm new to the FPGA scene but currently loving going back playing all the old computer games that that my mates and me used to have when we were kids.

Currently playing with the Atari STE core and powermonger and after getting a 3 bomb screen I thought it would be a good idea to start saving games.

I have tried searching the interweb but with out much luck can anybody help me. Is it possible do you need to create a blank floppy disk file to save your games to; and if so how do you do it. Also would this be the same for other computer cores?

Thanks for any help even if its just to say that I'm out of luck


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Re: Saving games to a floppy disk

Unread post by kathleen »

Hi Ian,
You can either create a blank floppy disk with an emulator like steem or direcly via the Mister.
You simply format an existing .ST image that you've attached to your Mister as you usually do with a real Atari ST.
Please find attached a disk I've freshly created for you. Unrar it and put it in your ATARIST folder and it should work
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Re: Saving games to a floppy disk

Unread post by vampsthevampyre »

Thx for that Kathleen,

Copied the file over formatted without any issue, unfortunately powermonger is not playing. Tried the file in both drives and even tried formatting the disk in the game. Will continue to try to find a solution (may need to complete the game in one sitting!!)


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Re: Saving games to a floppy disk

Unread post by kathleen »

You're welcome @Ian,

Will try to save a game on my side just because I'm curious :-)
Will also check if there is no HDD version (Kind of the well known WHDLOAD in the Amiga world) of this game which could solve this problem. It is a common problem with the Amiga games where the save feature under emulator or simulator does not work while the WHDLOAD of the game works.
I'll keep you posted this evening (GMT+1 :-) )


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Re: Saving games to a floppy disk

Unread post by kathleen »

I've just tried PM and the 1st issue I had was, oh my god how does it work this game :-)
I found the disk icon to save and it did not work. I can load but not save. This is a weird issue.
Unfortunately it seems that there is no HDD version of this game.
I'm very sorry but this time I cannot be a great help.


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Re: Saving games to a floppy disk

Unread post by vampsthevampyre »

Thanks for all the help and your time, If I manage to find a solution I will keep this post updated

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